Don't Look Under the Internet

DLUTI 168 - An Interview with Chuckie G

Don't Look Under the Internet Season 1 Episode 168

This week we talk to an actual paranormal investigator! We chat with Chuckie G and his son Ben about their experience in the field and personal experiences with hauntings, EVPs and the otherworldly!

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Don't Look Under The Internet
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Speaker 2:

Don't look under the internet. We did it All right, that's the show.

Speaker 3:

That's a wrap. All right, that's a wrap, baby. Thanks for having me.

Speaker 4:

I really appreciate that I'm going to head on out. Killed it. We really appreciate wrap. Thanks for having me. I really appreciate that I'm going to head on out.

Speaker 2:

We really appreciate it, thanks.

Speaker 3:

Welcome. Welcome everyone to another fantastic episode of Don't Look Under the Internet, the world's most famous podcast on internet horror and comedies. One would say you can take that to the grave. That's Matt. Yeah, that's Matt.

Speaker 2:

Hi, I woke up this morning and I was like, oh shit, I'm on a podcast. I've been forgetting to come to that.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry to come to that my mans took a month long leave of absence to see some horses in a fiery place called Montana.

Speaker 4:

Wonderful Riveting stories.

Speaker 3:

That's Doug. Yeah, yeah, that's me. Jason's not here, so we're just going to fuck him.

Speaker 5:

We'll just move over that, we won't even address it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then there's me, michael, along with our two special guests today. We subbed out a Jason for two people who are arguably more valuable, so that's good. Sick.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, individually or collectively.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

you want to go with Whatever one makes Jason worse, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Whatever makes Jason feel worse? Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3:

We have a longtime friend of me, Ben. Hello Hi, Ben.

Speaker 2:

How's it going of me, ben? Hello Hi Ben. How's it going?

Speaker 3:

Hi Ben. And then we have other longtime friend slash secondary father figure, ben's father, chucky G. Yeah, I'm the old dude.

Speaker 2:

Hi Ben's father, Chucky G. How's it?

Speaker 4:

going there, buddy.

Speaker 3:

So you guys are probably wondering why we got Ben and Chuck EG on today. If you guys want to say a few things about yourselves, go ahead. Why you're here today.

Speaker 4:

I'm a Virgo. I like long walks at night. What else do you need?

Speaker 6:

I didn't want to be here.

Speaker 5:

Yeah there you go. I'm just here, so I don't get fined, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I'm a paranormal investigator, I'm a psychic intuitive, a life coach all that kind of stuff I've been doing about 40 years in the paranormal field. So that's why I've been brought here today to be drained of all my information.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, we're going to get to the nitty-gritty and absorb all your spiritual energy so I can finally become stronger than Criss Angel and.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Baggins combined Great your ego's already there.

Speaker 2:

I knew there was a reason why you brought me here.

Speaker 3:

I have a little gem over there After the show. It's going to absorb all of your energy. I'm going to speak a couple words. It's going to be a big old show. It's going to be lovely.

Speaker 4:

You're going gonna hate it, but I'm gonna love it because I get power. Um, yeah, that's what the plastic skeleton before you're gonna put.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my essence in a great yeah. But, uh, yeah, because it's spooking season, we're like, hey, let's get some like real authentic, um paranormal investigator. Uh, on, ben, I would kind of put you in the category with your dad a little bit. Not as much as investigation, but you and me have our own creepy-ass stories that we can delve into. But really the ghost phenomenon and paranormal phenomenon in general has been something that we've always on this show. I feel I've always been on the cusp of wanting to talk about more and get more into but definitely need more supernatural stuff on the show.

Speaker 3:

Exactly More paranormal and supernatural things on the show would be awesome. So why not get the greatest source?

Speaker 5:

Also Janine says hello Ben and Ben's dad.

Speaker 4:

Am I the greatest? Oh, hello, am I the greatest source? He just looked at me and said the greatest source? Yeah, I Am I the greatest source?

Speaker 3:

You just looked at me and said the greatest source. I would argue 40 years of experience would make you the greatest source, at least around here. You might have to fight Zach Bagans on that one.

Speaker 4:

Oh, whatever, that guy's a weirdo, I'm not wrong.

Speaker 2:

The greatest source in Mike's basement.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Oh my God, yeah, I'm channeling.

Speaker 4:

Thanks, Matt.

Speaker 3:

I'm channeling some energy right here, because we're in a creepy ass concrete basement too, so that's perfect. I'm going to start us off with a real quick diluting housekeeping my hands clapping above my head For you guys that don't really feature the show. Often, housekeeping is where we pretty much just talk about the new Patreon members and whatnot. Okay, cool, we're going to play a game, and it's a game we play with every new patron. It's called is it a good username or a bad username?

Speaker 2:

It's always bad. They're usually bad, they're usually bad.

Speaker 3:

Okay, and our criteria is usually did you make up a unique username or did you just use your first and last name?

Speaker 5:

essentially, and if they do use their first and last name, we just shit on it and we make them tell them why their name sucks. And they love it.

Speaker 3:

So we're going to start off with the only one we have here, nicole Barnett.

Speaker 4:

What's somebody's name for?

Speaker 5:

crying out loud.

Speaker 4:

Why did you set that one up? It's just your name.

Speaker 5:

It's just a name. Yeah, just your name.

Speaker 2:

It's just terrible that was a lot of build up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you set that one up Good or bad name boys.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's really bad. That's terrible. It's a bad name. We should come up with a new username for Nicole.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Nicole, we love you. We're going to have to give you a better name than that. Thank you very much for the Patreon. Now, here's our thank you to you. Is a gift. We're going to give you a new username. What?

Speaker 2:

do you guys think I would make it Barnacle?

Speaker 3:

Barnacle, that's a good one.

Speaker 5:

That's a pun if I've ever heard one.

Speaker 4:

You could go, nicky Stinky.

Speaker 3:

Nicky Stinky, there you go, it's up there. I don't think anything. Nicole, you have 48 hours to change your name to either Barnacle or Nicky Stinky.

Speaker 2:

I know which one I know, so you guys have some context.

Speaker 4:

Or Stinky Barnacle.

Speaker 3:

There you go.

Speaker 4:

Little combo.

Speaker 3:

So you guys have some context. We have some reigning champions. One of them is a user whose name is just Big Jug Hot Cheese, oh wow, and we have yet to come across what. I think that tops it wait.

Speaker 5:

Well, there was one recently. Fuck, why can't I remember what it was?

Speaker 2:

it was so good, um shit now that I know dushan mandik's name isn't actually dushan mandik, I don't feel as bad laughing.

Speaker 5:

No, I know when, when we first read that name out loud I I was crying like it was so funny it's pretty great.

Speaker 3:

I can't find the other, the older names. It just shows me the list of new members, but they're up there. There's a couple more. But a big jug hot cheese will always stand out to me.

Speaker 5:

It was like something some bitch, fat or something.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it was uh a big foot, big sister, big foot, big foot, bigfoot, bigfoot sister bitch fat.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, bigfoot sister bitch fat.

Speaker 4:

I like that one better. I like that one better, yeah so I'm gonna start this off.

Speaker 3:

Uh, that concludes housekeeping done. Good, great, great, um. So I want to kind of start this off a little bit. So, um, uh, ben chucky g yo um, first and foremost, I want to go into a little bit of your history a little bit. Do you want to talk about your shows a little bit, kind of get the word out there about what you've got going on, plug yourself a smidge while we get going.

Speaker 4:

We're going right into plugs right at the beginning of the show Because it's going to meld into some of the things.

Speaker 3:

I have to say yeah, that's fine, all right.

Speaker 4:

So I have a youtube channel um chucky uh, chucky g the paranormal explorer. Um, you get about over 2 000 people. Right now I got a tiktok which is chucky g 1960. Uh, that's going pretty good as well. I do a show, uh, every other friday night from 9 to 10. It's usually paranormally themed, but sometimes I'll do metaphysical and do one card reads and stuff like that and it gets really crazy.

Speaker 4:

I've got a website, chuckygnet, and you can go and check all my services and the things I do besides the paranormal. Um, I run a group called in the dark investigation since about 2010, when I decided to put a group together instead of going with a bunch of crazy people that know what they're doing. So I started that. Um, other than that, I get facebook pages, instagram pages I'm kind of a little bit everywhere.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, that's me ben, I can find you on facebook. No, okay, no, no, you can't find me no you can't ben's off the grid, I'm off

Speaker 6:

the grid.

Speaker 3:

So with all these shows and um, I guess, podcasts and everything and card reads, everything I forgot about the podcast. There's two podcasts too, but right uh, with everything that you do, yeah, uh, you obviously got there from somewhere. So how did you say 40 years of the experience? Where did this all start? You want to know how I got it.

Speaker 4:

What's the origin?

Speaker 3:

story the origin story.

Speaker 4:

okay, so the origin story is when I was about, uh, I think, 14 or 15. Uh, my mom uh developed lung cancer and, uh, her and I had always talked about, you know, death and stuff like that and I always, just inside of myself, knew that you know, you just don't fade to black, you don't just go and die, I mean, you just kind of continue on. So, um, basically, the cancer in her got worse and worse and worse and then eventually, of course, she passed. So we moved forward a little bit. So it was probably about two weeks after she passed.

Speaker 4:

Um, I was sitting in the house by myself, my, my dad was out, my brothers were, uh, upstairs or asleep, and it was kind of late and I started hearing walking in the kitchen and I'm thinking well, that's kind of interesting. You're like like walking of someone's feet on like tile floor. So of course I got up to go look, not realizing and thinking that, oh, you know what? We don't have a tile floor anymore, we have a carpeted floor in the kitchen, because my mom, when she was towards the end, he would try to feed her and I would listen from upstairs in my bedroom. He was trying to feed her, her, but it just was too much pain to even eat. She would just paste in that kitchen. So, uh, as I'm walking in there, of course this realization clicks in and then, all of a sudden, I, I didn't hear it anymore, so I'm like okay, well

Speaker 4:

what you know, what's going on with that? So, uh, and then, then the other thing that really set me on my course was I think it was a few weeks later after that. I was walking home from my friend's house and I see this lady across the street and she looks at me and I look at her. She's a pretty lady, she looks really familiar, you know, and she smiled at me and I looked at her and I smiled at her and then I freaking realized that's my mother, like when she was healthy, with long black hair, and you know she was swedish, so she had like pale skin, long black hair, everything. She looked healthy as hell, she was looked just like I remember when she was young. So I I kind of just like I was frozen, because you know this is not like at nighttime, like some spooky movie.

Speaker 4:

This is like broad daylight, so I see her and then just like in like a movie. I guess vehicles go by, she's gone. And then in my head I said, okay, I'm on the right, I'm on the right path for this. You know, I was always able to like pick up on things or see things other people didn't see. But then that was just the catalyst to kind of said, all right, I need to start looking into this.

Speaker 4:

Of course we're in the 70s, I'll date myself right now but, um, but you know, and so there was a lot of stuff. You had to go library and try to find these books, you know, in a little metaphysical section, you know, and uh, read about them and try to figure out. You know how to go about, I guess, investigating or looking into stuff, you know. I mean there wasn't a, there wasn't really a lot, there wasn't like all these cool tv shows there wasn't a travel channel full of yeah, crazy people that don't know what the hell they're doing yet now.

Speaker 4:

So basically I just took, I grabbed one of my friends who was a photographer he had a really nice camera uh, took a pad paper, uh, cassette player yes, those are things that we used to record with in the old days, people, um, and then basically we just go and just check out haunted locations like resurrection cemetery, bethlehem cemetery, all these different places, and just try to see if we could try to capture what I had felt, because it was such an exhilarating feeling to kind of see and connect to something that evidently was there but shouldn't be there.

Speaker 3:

I imagine was it at that point in time too. I imagine was it a little bit more difficult to get into this stuff as well, Because at that time you had, I would say, the paranormal side of things. You had a lot of fraudulent people in that, and also that's around the time when the satanic panic was picking up, so did that kind of come into play to make getting into that more difficult?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it was very tricky. If you say, well, I see dead people or stuff like that, you know, I mean I'm seeing things, that I'm I'm seeing them and I know I'm seeing them because I'm looking right at them but other people aren't seeing them. You don't tell people like that in the 70s, it'll lock you up, you know what I mean. So it's kind of like, keep it down low, you know what I mean. Just use that as a kind of a so for me, I just kind of use that as just a way to instinctually be, you know, picking up on things for locations and stuff. But yeah, it was really. It wasn't very easy. You know you didn't go, hey, let's start a team, we get some freaking t-shirts. You know what I mean. I mean you just, you just did. You know you did your thing. You went out and you did your thing.

Speaker 4:

So it was, I just dragged my poor buddy who hated doing it, by the way, and you know it's like, take a picture here and he'd shoot it with this nikon flash camera. It would shoot like 90 miles down the road. We're scaring the shit out of people in the area, but um, but yeah, I mean, that's basically it. It was. It wasn't like a big thing, you know. He just was kind of on the down low and just went out and did it every, you know, weekend or something like that, just the like gorilla goes hunting, yeah, gorilla goes, just like filmmaking yeah, basically you get what you can and get the fuck out before

Speaker 3:

the cops show up.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, there was quite a few times we got chased out and almost arrested, so but, um, yeah, that's kind of the, that was kind of the deal. You know, I mean, and you always went to places that you heard about on, like I mean, because they had shows like sightings and stuff like that. So there were some shows and so you would just like look into that and go, oh, let's go check that out, that out. You know, but it all had it all had to be local, cause it's like I couldn't just, you know, go driving off to another state or something like that. You know.

Speaker 5:

So, um, yeah, that was it. Has it always been local to like the like Illinois area?

Speaker 4:

Um, no, no, not necessarily. I mean I've done some other things. Uh, in like Wisconsin, you know, like near Illinois. You know like I'd like to get to Indiana to see Whisper Estates. That's one of the places I still haven't gone, but for the most part, yeah, I used to try to keep it local because, you know, when you got, like when I first started the team and, by the way, in the Dark Investigation is a joke name because we always say, oh, you have to do it in the dark so it was like, okay, that's the name of our group, because you know, you know, if someone says, hey, you know, um, I have this spirit and it happens to pop up at 10 am every day. You don't go there at midnight and go, come on, spirit pop up, and I mean that's stupid.

Speaker 5:

You just go when it's kind of funny to think about actually yeah, do you do?

Speaker 3:

is there like I know the whole like witching hour thing um is like like the dead time and all that kind of stuff yeah, but like every single like ghost show you see or like movie, it always has to take place at night. It's never during the day when they capture any evidence. It's 3 am. Is that just for like theatrics?

Speaker 4:

okay, there's. There's reasons why you do things, some things in the dark, and I'll explain that, but you can do investigations with the lights on. You can do investigations during the day Like I said, it depends on what's going on and to finish answering your question. Everything else otherwise was all local. Okay, because I like to do, and I like to be repetitive. I don't like to go to a place one time. You've got to go multiple times.

Speaker 4:

Right right, because this is where you find the patterns and stuff like that. Now, as far as in the dark stuff, um, sometimes it's good because if you're doing it late at night and you can, because the activities whenever you get less outside exterior noises, you know a lot, a lot less of everything. Like when we go to egyptian theater uh, you know there's doors but they have slits underneath, so if you got during the day, you got lots of people moving around. You're just going to have contamination. So at nighttime it's a lot less chance Someone's going to go walking down that dark alley. So you have a better chance of whatever you capture being real.

Speaker 4:

On top of it, light wise, um, when you get shadows, shadow play, it's much easier to see when the shadow is darker than the room you're in which. When the shadow is darker than the room you're in which, I've seen we captured it. You'll see it on my channel on YouTube. But if you see it, then there's a lot less light play coming through windows, bouncing off mirrors and all sorts of different things that can just give you fake results.

Speaker 3:

Do you think infrared makes a difference, like a big difference, and that might add to the dark factor of it. Yeah, infrared's good, you can still get.

Speaker 4:

Uh, yes, a difference, like a big difference and that's might add to the dark factor. Yeah, infrared is good. You still get shadows off infrared. Like if you look at the egyptian theater's uh shadow that we caught, it's basically we had a camera on the stage and then we walked myself and mike williams, who was one of the guys on that team we walked by and you see our shadow on the wall as we walk by. So the infrared still giving off light, you know what I mean. But then you all of a sudden, as we walk by and leave, then you see a shadow doing like the scooby-doo thing going the other way and then we looked at like 50 million times.

Speaker 4:

I'm like that is the shadow, because there's nothing between the light and the wall. So I mean, you tell me what it is. You know what I mean, right, so it that was kind of that was. And what's funny too, is you we also like the layer. You know where it's like. Okay, so earlier there was noises in the same area. Earlier there that was this or that you know.

Speaker 5:

So then we kind of like just keep expounding upon that until we get to get some kind of you know evidence, if you can someone, someone was just telling me that the old joliet prison has like some, like, uh, like some beef going on right now with the paranormal, like investigation world yeah, because they were doing, they were doing tours and all this kind of stuff and, uh, I think there was some, you know it's.

Speaker 4:

It's usually financial. That I don't know for sure, so don't quote me on it, right. Right, I'm pretty sure it's financial because I know my buddy, chris fleming, who right now is dealing with a form of cancer right now. He's a really good guy and an amazing psychic. He's been on lots of shows that he um, he's from the Sean Bergary he I know he's done you know tours there and stuff, but uh, yeah, I don't know what the deal is right now.

Speaker 2:

Interesting, as the epidemic of like uh, social media and people cloud chasing and stuff like that made it more difficult to get into places because they're already inundated with people.

Speaker 4:

Yes, and also the lack of respect for going into a place where you know you get these because you have all right. So look, you can call people call themselves ghost hunters. Okay, I'm not a ghost hunter. I don't go catching the ghost with a cage and a shotgun. I'm a paranormal investor. I investigate unknown activity or something that can't be explained by science at this time. But there are people that are ghost enthusiasts, so they just grab a bunch of equipment, it lights up, it's all pretty and sparkly and don't get me wrong, I have my equipment too and they go and they're just disrespectful. They're trying to do rituals or doing whatever. You know what I mean. Uh, and they go and they're just disrespectful, they're trying to do rituals or doing whatever you know I mean, and it's really given the paranormal community, as far as I'm concerned, kind of a bad name in that way, because then it makes it harder because I go oh well, we don't want another team in here because you know last one, you know they kind of like maybe they made a mess.

Speaker 4:

They did whatever, or you know they did stuff that they're not supposed to do. You know what I mean. So yeah, that does happen. It makes it really hard now.

Speaker 3:

So now, uh ben, have you gone on investigations?

Speaker 3:

they're dead in the past I don't think I have no, he's never no well, I know you and I have had our fair share of creepy things that happened. So I'm gonna ask ben first, but I'm gonna ask you kind of the same thing as well in your experience with living with your dad, um, and, and all the things that he I mean, it's probably not uncommon or uh impractical to say that it's entirely possible that throughout all of your investigations you may have brought something back with you over the years, maybe even a couple things. Do you think you've experienced a few of those things, and what were some of the experiences that you've had?

Speaker 6:

The doctor's- cleared them of all, so it's fine, no he's brought home several dolls that had spirits attached to them, stuff like that over the years. So I mean, like, of course there's probably stuff in the house, but, um, I feel like all my stuff started before he kind of jumped into uh, investigating do you have the gift as well? No, I just I don't know. Like weird things have always happened to me since I was young. Um, the main one that I always talk about, that uh my sister as well, uh has experienced in our old home.

Speaker 6:

Uh was uh shadow people A lot of uh, a lot of weird instances with that. Um, in our living room, in my bedroom, is where I've seen the majority of them, and it's usually one tall, one short.

Speaker 3:

We've had sleepovers in that room. Now you tell me I was sleeping next to a ghost?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, no, they like. The taller one usually hangs out in the living room. The shorter one usually hangs out in my old room. The taller one was like, I want to say like six, five, real skinny, slender, and you can tell the difference between, because he would sleep on the couch in the living room so it was really pitch black down there. But you could see the difference between the dark like the shadow. Yeah, from the darkness it was like a solid, like you couldn't see through it.

Speaker 6:

So, it was definitely. There was definitely like a shape there.

Speaker 3:

It's like what you were saying with the Egyptian theater. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can tell the difference.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, you can, you can see it and it move and it would move around. But it would stand just in the back, like the way back of our living room, and just stand there. It wouldn't do anything, wouldn't like run towards me or some you know scary movie stuff, it would just sit there and sometimes when I'd come down, uh it would pace back and forth um, but that was about it.

Speaker 6:

The one in my bedroom was about child size, um, and that one would most of the time peek around the closet door that I had why is it doing the stereotypical?

Speaker 5:

creepy thing.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, that's crazy it would peek, like you would in. Like a lot of times I would just be like oh, it's my peripherals. Like you know, you see stuff out of the corner of your eye. It happens, but like when you turn and you actually see it, like it's still there and then it peeks back. That's a whole different thing. So that was like the main experiences I had.

Speaker 5:

So I have to interrupt real quick, because both of you have already actually touched on two things that are in the same realm as this story. So the place I'm in now also has what I will had, what I would consider to be like shadows, also has what I will had, what I would consider to be like shadows, um, and one was in is in my kitchen and one is on our stairwell for stairwell. For some reason, I don't know why the placement, but that's where we would see them. Uh, if you're sitting on the couch, you can like see up into the stairwell and like you'd always just see them, like yeah, just checking you out and in the kitchen the same thing.

Speaker 5:

Um, but the weirdest, the weirdest part of it all is so my mom actually passed away from lung cancer last year and ever since I've had her ashes in the house no more shadow people. I don't know if that's a coincidence or something, but it's like the strangest shit.

Speaker 2:

It's just stopped that's interesting I saw them in the kitchen there and I'm pretty sure that was after was it uh, yeah I have not seen them since that was the day after it may also I may also attribute it to the fact that it was the day after I got absolutely blackout drunk completely well, that could have been in my entire life.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, we, we probably learned something there, man, yeah, yeah, I just I don't see them anymore at all and, like the one in the kitchen, actually will pull at your shit. Yeah, um, but again, I really I don't see it like almost at all. We also took this really weird haunted ring. I showed him the ring out of the house too, so I don't know what that's about.

Speaker 4:

It's got some energy on it, I, I was holding it earlier and stuff you know. Yeah, that's kind of cool. But the last time I was at.

Speaker 4:

Doug's and Ben's story is interesting because I didn't know about those. This is the first time I'm hearing about them. I mean, I knew about our house because I've done seances in there. Table tipping I actually had. If you ever heard of the, it's called the dibbick box. Uh, I knew the guy owned the real one. So he had a replica of it, made exactly like it called the fibic box and it would have the exact same stuff happening to it. So he sent it to me and I had it in my room or with black salt around to keep it bound inside and did investigations with it stuff like that. And yes, I do collect a lot of haunted artifacts. There are lots of haunted artifacts in my apartment, so you can ask ben's sister rachel, my daughter, but she's used to it.

Speaker 4:

You know we see shadows all the time. We always hear noises. We've had lights go on and off. That's just kind of normal my house going.

Speaker 3:

Going back a little bit to the shadow people that ben saw, I know you have instances as well of seeing a child. You even have, like photo evidence of the handprint on that mirror yeah, and in the house, yeah, in the old house yeah so I'm wondering where have you ever done any research on that house to see if anyone passed away in it?

Speaker 4:

no, I've never. I've never done any. No, I've not done any research on that, though I do have a child spirit now that comes to me from, uh, the edgeborough country club. I did an investigation. They were named sally um, and she's just a really sweet soul. You know what I mean, and so I always told her if you ever need to find me, you know how to find me. So and she does come through on them lots of investigations and stuff like that. So, um, and it's not always, oh, it's a little girl, so it's really a demon, but um, damn you again, hollywood. Yeah, I'm sorry, but uh, you know, I mean, that's just. These are just my opinions on the subject, you know, because everything is theory, so no one's an expert what do you, what's your opinion on?

Speaker 3:

like the warrens being, because a lot of people think that they're kind of fraudulent and they actually did more harm than good to the paranormal community. Well, what's your take on it?

Speaker 4:

okay, so so. So I was always a big Warrens fan. I loved the Amityville horror, I loved all that stuff, you know. But you know, the bottom line is it's really hard to know for sure what's true and what's not, unless you're there at that time. Even for stuff that I do, if you're not with me at that time, then it's all subject to your thought process or what you believe or what you don't believe. You know. So it's really hard. I think that they did help with a lot of cases. I think that if you're going into a home and you're trying to dispel and do whatever woo, woo stuff you're doing, but you're you're literally trying to help the people within the home, then there's no harm there. You know what I mean. Now, when you start making tons of money off it and you're not helping someone, then that would be something a little bit different, which I know, towards the end, kind of I don't know, I don't know if that really happened with them or not, but I mean I believe that they were doing good.

Speaker 4:

I believe that uh they did have something you know, like you know, a gift yeah, a gift of some sort, and they were just trying to use it to help, you know. I mean because you know if you're trying to do stuff that that really is against the grain, you're just going to have a lot of people you know, like going against you, like I was doing readings once and somebody came up and she sat down next to me and she's really old, she goes.

Speaker 4:

So you do you believe in god and I go. Yes, I believe in god, I go. What do you think I'm doing this? For? What do you think I get the skiff from? What do you think I use it for? I help people. If you ask anybody that's ever done anything with me, they'll know how they help. They've come out better for it, whatever. So you know, is it a placebo effect? I don't think so. I mean, it's just too much stuff I've seen and experienced for it to be that way. But your entire, your opinion you know I don't understand.

Speaker 5:

So yeah, I think there's a certain like level of that kind of thought process too, where, like if you look at someone like, for example, like zach baggins, uh, if, like the, I like watching a show, I think it's entertaining, I think he's a goofy dude and like do I believe a lot of the shit he's doing?

Speaker 3:

not necessarily, but like he's the equivalent of. It's the paranormal version of Keep Me Up With the Kardashians. It's trash television.

Speaker 5:

I'm here for it is, but it's the progression of his show and how it's changed. So, like in those first few seasons, you can kind of tell that he's like really passionate about it. He feels like you can like hear the belief in his own voice like no voice camera crews.

Speaker 3:

And now they have a full fleet.

Speaker 5:

Well, yeah, and, and now he's just like the most like, kind of like. He's just kind of a douchebag, you know what I'm saying, but like he he's still. I mean shit he puts on good television but like, um, it doesn't feel as like genuine anymore. It doesn't feel like there's a like it. It almost feels like baked really hard instead of that like true passion behind it, which is which sucks, because you know you want those people to be passionate about it and not like feel like you're like just getting joked on yeah, I agree, even if it's real in the beginning, I'm sure there probably comes a point where it's like, if you're bringing in a ton of money now, suddenly you're expected to produce content, and that's fair.

Speaker 2:

You can't just be at the mercy of things actually happening. And so they probably there becomes a point probably where to keep the money coming and you start making stuff up.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, maybe not every everybody, but yeah and I agree too, because if you look at ghost hunters, um, that show was actually the ogs of everything for anybody. So, and they've always tried to stay true to their at least with jason hawes is true to the stuff being real as possible. And he's even said you know, look, we shoot for three, four days and get 40 minutes of content. So you're just seeing whatever. It looks really good because it's all smashed into this tiny small amount of time. But he says he's, he said no, like he's, they're not doing shows right now because they said no to the uh particular, uh, whatever uh people because they they want them to do things that they don't want to. You know they shouldn't be doing or don't want to do. You know, I mean you keep.

Speaker 4:

They want to keep it real. You know that's good. There is a true thing that you know. Like you said, matt, when you, when you get to that point, you know, even like people like theresa cabuto and stuff like that, you got like you're doing live shows with through two, three thousand people. You got to produce man, it's entertainment and if you're not entertaining and you're not giving the people what they want, you're no longer needed. Yeah, and that's kind of how it goes.

Speaker 3:

So it's a. It's a really. It goes from a hobby to a yeah, a career. It's a.

Speaker 4:

Really it goes from a hobby to a yeah, a career. Yeah, it's a. It's a really hard thing to show biz.

Speaker 3:

It's a real hard thing to you know, keep it. You know keep it real as much as he's kind of like a like, a like he's like a douchebag and I am fully under the the thoughts that he's he's more than likely faking. So Zach Bagans you're welcome to come on and tell me otherwise. I still want you on the show, you bastard.

Speaker 4:

But um, we tried to get it. Well, we had him on our paranormal underground radio show. I think they had him on there or whatever, or wasn't going to get on that one of the two. But I know something happened. He got pissed off and he would come back. Now we've had now I've talked to nick and katrina when they did their their show um, and nick's really cool, he's really laid back, it's like that. Like, look, the first three seasons of ghost adventures I have at home, I love watching that. Yeah, those are good. Then you get farther and farther. It's like you know it's just, it's like you said, it's like a circus thing. You know, it's just like an accident, but you gotta watch. You know, it's kind of like that gapers delay for paranormal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you gotta see it, yeah so I still think even if he does like, even if parts that are fraudulent.

Speaker 3:

I still think. Even if parts of it are fraudulent, I still think part of him does believe in a lot of this. The fact that he owns that haunted museum with all those items. I feel like no person that's putting on an act would get all that stuff and even live with that shit in his own home.

Speaker 4:

Well, yeah, I'm sure he has the belief in it that this stuff is real to him and stuff like that. But of course it is a moneymaker too, you know, and the fact that you know a lot of. If you look at, like Ghostober this year, there's nobody on there but Ghost Adventures. Everybody else got kind of pushed off. He's been pushing all the other shows. He doesn't want the competition because the bottom line is they're doing the same thing now.

Speaker 4:

So, um, you know they don't want that, so he has the power to be able to do that, Cause he's a big, you know unpowerful destination.

Speaker 6:

fear off the yeah. Another one.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, God, I haven't thought of them in forever they were on our show on mindful mystics. They're really cool, Um, uh and stuff like that. If you go look at their stuff like way back on YouTube, the stuff they were doing before they were doing Paranormal, it's hilarious.

Speaker 3:

Stuff is hilarious yeah. So, I guess I'll ask too, like in all your years of Paranormal investigations and everything what would you say is and if they're separate things? Well, we have two separate things to talk about now. But, uh, either a your most terrifying experience in a paranormal uh area or and b your most haunted location you've been to. And I say terrifying and haunted separate because they're not always the same thing.

Speaker 5:

One place could be just extremely active and just full of good I'm gonna throw a third one out there stuff, but the place that you felt like the most in like danger, if that makes sense, interesting okay um, terrifying experience you've had, so the most terrible, you know.

Speaker 4:

It's for me. It's like I kind of enjoy this stuff. It's kind of weird, but I like it, and the weirder it is and the creepier it is, the more I'm excited about it. So it's kind of hard for me to be terrified for it, uh, considering that I can hear and speak to the other side anyways. But the bottom line, I think the one that really shook us and kind of freaked us out, hunt at willow creek farm, which is, by the way, I did a documentary and it's a really bad documentary.

Speaker 4:

For some reason it has 31k on to youtube, so I don't know, but anyways, it was a really good investigation. I just took a user investigation and put it into a documentary form and people just like, well, it's only got one camera. It's like, look man, this is not tv, you know, but um I do what I can.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, leave me alone.

Speaker 4:

Man, uh man. But I remember us being there. I think it was like I went there like two times or three times and we took a friend of mine there as well he was another podcaster and we are like taking a break and there's this big, long table, sort of like this, and we're sitting in the area of the living room dining room. Now, back off to behind us was a door leading down to the old part of the basement, like from the 1800s, and what we had done before we started the show because they didn't want the cat getting down into the basement, so we closed the door and we latched it. Now you got to remember this old 1800s farm door is like a really thin and the latches are like really deep. It's like a really deep metal latch. So we latched it. Boom.

Speaker 4:

So we're sitting there talking and they're all having a good time over here and and me and my buddy are talking over here and all of a sudden we hear this, and so then it stopped and he looked at me. I looked at him. I'm like it did sound like metal rattling. What the hell noise was that? So we're looking at when nobody else is noticing this. I'm like, okay.

Speaker 4:

So you start talking, we're eating some more, you know having a good time and then all of a sudden you hear, and it got louder and it stopped again. It's like all right, what the hell is that noise? And it means we're looking around, there's, we're all here on the in the room, you know. Then all of a sudden you hear it build. It starts slow and it starts getting really, really loud and then the door to the basement just slams open against the the wall and everybody just jumps up off the table going what the freaking hell was that? And we go over there and here's the door open, latches up off of it, and my buddy goes to stand at the stairs and all of a sudden he gets rushed with this feeling like air and everything, and it pushes him back and knocks him against the wall. So I'd say that's probably the you want to say terrifying or like holy crap moment. Yeah, that would be one of my holy crap moments.

Speaker 4:

Um, now you said where I have felt the most, um, uh, the most haunted, the most haunted yeah, uh, the most haunted place I've been to so far actually, uh, where I've gotten the most stuff is the egyptian theater in have you been there before? That's awesome I've driven by it. I've never, been.

Speaker 4:

I mean shadow figures. I mean there's a couple of the evps are from there where that one says you know, can you, you know? Were you the one on the stairs? I mean, we had so much shit happening. We were doing, uh, estes method and mike was up on the on the theater, uh stage, and we were down below we're sitting there and he's doing it, and then you just kind of hear like walking on the stage and when they were the ones in the building, the director's up in this like loft thing on the other side of the building, and then you hear a little bit more walking. Then all of a sudden you hear just banging sound. It was so loud, he jumped and flipped his things off because you could hear it. I mean, it was so loud, you feel the vibration on the floor and he flipped it up. Like what the hell is that?

Speaker 4:

we ran over there. All our meters are going off and everything, but you couldn't see anything. So that would probably be the most, probably one of the most haunted places I've ever been to, where I can pretty much guarantee if I go there I'm gonna get some kind of um, you know stuff.

Speaker 4:

Now it's yeah, as far as like what I felt, um, for I felt the most um, creepy, I suppose, danger, danger kind of thing was at, uh, oak Grove cemetery and um, I think it's Bristol, illinois, it's really close, and um, um, only because there were a couple things that were really really weird. It's a really really old cemetery, offset from the road. It's one of the one of the few first ones we did um, it's like an old like gate style like this, with the name on everything. It looks like right out of a horror movie. What was the?

Speaker 5:

what was it called again?

Speaker 4:

I think it was called oak grove or oh, I can't remember. It's been so long since I've been there but and then put, like bristol illinois, you might be able to, it should still be there. I mean, it's really really super, super old in fact we went. When we went, there was um one. It was so sad. There was one plot where it had the family, mom and dad and like what, five or six kids, that's it all right. Cool, that's the baby right there. So we're, we're in there. Of course we got scared by a deer too. That was pretty funny. But cool, that's the baby right there. So we're, we're in there. Of course we got scared by a deer too.

Speaker 4:

That was pretty funny but anyways that was not paranormal, by the way, but um deer.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we were there and we were like talking to the spirits of this family and we were getting voices of adults and children talking back to us. It was mind-blowing. And then you started. We started getting this really weird feeling like we're outside, so it's like you know it's. It's dark because it's we're offset from the road, so the only the only other thing next to us is there's a cemetery to the left of us and it had kind of a little light on and stuff, but it was really really dark. And this is the other shadow figure, this is the one that freaked me out. So all of a sudden, like I'm feeling like man, something's like, I feel like we're being creeped up or something was being watched, and I look over to the left and that little light that was from the thing all of a sudden gets blocked out. And there's this. Okay, for the better sake of a word, it looked like the size. You know what a satchquatch looks like.

Speaker 4:

You know your typical, yeah, outline okay about like six, eight total dark blocks out the light and it's standing right there looking at me like it's right there, it's not moving, and I'm like what the hell is that? So I'm yelling for my buddy larry to come back to grab the camera because we're trying to get a picture of it. And by the time he gets back, he just sees it and all of a sudden, I mean literally goes right by a tombstone. It was gone, like you know, it was taller, taller than the tombstone, but it went like, and all of a sudden it was just just gone. I mean, I don't know, it didn't dissipate, it just was gone. And so that was probably the place. I felt like, okay, man, we, we should probably go now. You know, I mean, I'm not really sure what the hell that was all about, you know, I mean, but that was really really weird.

Speaker 3:

So did your? Um, I know you haven't had obviously as much creepy shit happen to you as, uh, like your dad did. But, um, what would you argue? Is your probably the one where you're like oh shit, moment with one, I know, even if it's with the shadows that you've seen, but I know we've. We've come across some other shit in that house before, so so I don't know if it's the same experience I had at that house. But go ahead. What would you say is the one where you're like I'm in danger?

Speaker 6:

It was definitely not in my childhood home. So those I don't think they were first off. I don't think those shadows were specific to that house, because I've seen them ever since everywhere I've lived. But there is a third and it came about pretty much when I was living with Leo and Nick in that little trap house or whatever we had.

Speaker 3:

Nick's basement was the only nice looking part of that.

Speaker 6:

Everything else looked like it had been burned. Yeah, um, there was. So everyone was gone. I don't know where, like nick had left for the day. Uh, leo was at work and I was just by myself and, um, I remember so the you know my, my room was like right, when you walk in, it's to the right, my door was shut, and I remember, sitting on the couch watching TV, I heard like a rattle noise. It sounded like my door, so I got up and the bathroom for that place was to the left. And then my roommate, leo's room was right next to that. Those doors were wide open and so I heard jiggling like the handle of my door and I was like what the hell is that?

Speaker 6:

So I got up, walked over and opened my door and I saw nothing. And when I went to go shut the door, both the bathroom door and Leo's door slammed shut simultaneously and it was loud as hell and it actually broke our bathroom door. I don't know if you remember that, but the hinge on the door actually snapped from that, and so our door didn't work properly after that.

Speaker 3:

Pissed off something in that house.

Speaker 6:

And that's when I started seeing. The third one was that day, a new challenger approaches. And that one is really weird and I've seen it since in actually, me and Daniel stay now at the apartment. I've seen it there as well.

Speaker 3:

Have you given names to these things? Have you tried to get in contact with them, or anything?

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

Just leave me alone, kind of thing. They're literally just part of my life at this point.

Speaker 6:

so I just kind of deal with them have you named them.

Speaker 5:

I just asked oh shit, I wasn't listening.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, the tall one's, steven.

Speaker 2:

Have you named them that the tall one's Steven.

Speaker 4:

Have you named him?

Speaker 5:

That's a great question Matt, we do this a lot, I'll just black out and then come join this conversation for a minute.

Speaker 6:

The small one is Larry, larry, okay. And the third one I haven't named. It seems honestly not good because since I've seen it like the most wildest shit has happened to me, um, at every place I live, even at emily's, when I was staying with her and her parents um, like, I'm like constantly feeling uneasy and it's not easy to make me feel uneasy because I don't really tend to get scared like that, but there's moments where I feel very uneasy and I know for a fact that it's around.

Speaker 6:

Those are the moments I know, and then something weird will always happen. Um, like the other day, me and daniel were watching tv in our bedroom and so, um, a lot of times you'll see like the animals run across the floor or whatever, and you'll know it's one of the animals, one of the cats, that's a cat, oh look a dog, oh look a man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what Just?

Speaker 6:

scuttling. No joke, we have a black cat, so usually that's what I see and I'm like, ok, it's just our cat, winnie, but this one was on all fours, crawled across the floor so it was a man into our, into our loft and I had to do a double take because I was, like it has to be winnie, like I. That was the weirdest thing ever. I, that can't be real.

Speaker 6:

And then when I walked forward into the loft, winnie wasn't there I turned around, she was underneath the bed and so I was like 100 sure at that point that I just watched something run across our floor into our loft. And the next day I was in the shower and I was just kind of washing my hair real quick before work and it felt like he's peeping, it felt like somebody had grabbed, like my my like sides, like like full-on, grab my sides and pulled oh they're getting frisky.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, wow, that's creepy, that's, that's a very like uh, what's the word? I'm looking for like um vulnerable state to be in, just because the shower is like that's my, that's my private zone, that's my pure zone.

Speaker 6:

Nothing goes on there that I don't want, so like the the fact that that would happen there is yeah well, I thought it was danielle just messing with me because, like she's been trying to scare me ever since we've been together and she just fails every single time. She's not damn it matt.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for thank you beautiful man I don't know if it'll show on camera, but my pupils got I was.

Speaker 5:

That's why I wasn't listening earlier, because I was like matt, please do the door knock? In the middle of us talking scare everyone because it sounds so good, it sounds really good anyways um, I literally thought that was Lori.

Speaker 2:

Please continue.

Speaker 5:

It's funny because it even got me and I knew it was coming. At some point I thought that was Lori.

Speaker 6:

I was like oh shit, she needs something.

Speaker 3:

It always scares me.

Speaker 4:

It sounds like it's coming from the wall. The story is over now.

Speaker 5:

No one can remember what we were talking about. Oh shit, yeah.

Speaker 6:

I thought it was Danielle. When I turned around, there was nobody there and her car wasn't in the driveway, so I knew for sure it was something else. And then actually I wanted to talk about this one because it happened yesterday at work. God, they're even falling where you get paid.

Speaker 3:

They need to leave you alone.

Speaker 6:

Because this one was the weirdest thing ever, because usually I'm pretty skeptical about a lot of things. I believe in it like 100, but I keep skepticism because, like you, kind of have to um, and so I was I'm on, I'm doing soiled at the hospital and there's this uh door that's like soiled room that has these two big beefy metal doors, like moving them is a pain in the ass, and so they're locked and there's a shoot room behind the doors that goes into this bin.

Speaker 6:

But the bin is stationary, it doesn't move right and I walked up to the doors to unlock them. I put the key in and both of these doors rattled Like someone was trying to open them from the inside inside because you can't open force their way in no from the inside out.

Speaker 6:

Don't dead open inside and you can't open them inside If you get locked in. You get locked in. So I figured someone got locked in and I was like oh shit. So I like open the door and nobody's standing there and I was like this is the fucking weirdest thing ever. Like these, they're heavy, they're about like 70 pounds each. These doors Like they're old metal doors Like you have to like really crank these motherfuckers, and they rattled like.

Speaker 5:

Did you just leave work after that? I would have just left work, oh, I just left the bin and walked away.

Speaker 6:

I was like, yeah, no, I'm good, but yeah, that was the, that was the weirdest thing. I think that was like the probably the weirdest thing that's happened to me recently. For sure, have you, can you like?

Speaker 3:

request days off from these spirits because they seem to follow you at home and follow you at your 40 hour week job. Can you just be like, hey, can I have like sunday off from all this shit, please? Putting the PCL request, ghost comes back. It's been denied.

Speaker 5:

Why were you Stephen Hawking? I was trying to go for a sticky voice but Robot man came out instead, yeah, I mean.

Speaker 3:

so we have a couple other things I want to go over that you sent us, but I just want to talk about the weird ass, our military night, so that and I fuck, we were what like probably like 13, 14, 15, maybe I had to be in high school, yeah, and I was staying over at his house and we were up in his room playing like fucking halo 3 or some bullshit, and we hear a cat meowing and we're like, hold, hold on, because there's no, no pets they don't own pets.

Speaker 3:

So we're like, where is this cat coming from? Obviously probably outside, you would think, right, well, you would be probably wrong, because we paused it and we're listening and it sounded like it was coming from downstairs. We're like, maybe it's coming from outside. We I, I remember we opened your, your, your room window, like, oh, maybe we can hear it outside. We open the room room window, we're listening outside, and it's coming from downstairs. And so we we're like my area, yes, we're like, fuck, what do we do? And so we go down there a little bit further and we stop, like in the kitchen area, which there for those of you that don't know they're your guys's old house was set up, where it's like um bedrooms, like an upstairs, then the kitchen and like the living area is down like a downstairs and there's a basement yeah, um.

Speaker 3:

So we're in the kitchen area and we hear the meow again and it sounds like it's coming from basement level okay, and so we're like no, that's okay. And we ran back up to his room where he's deceased ben decides I'm gonna go at this ghost cat now and get it the fuck out of this house. So he used to have uh, throwing stars and yes, and this is all new to me, yeah throwing stars in the

Speaker 3:

kunai and he's army, crawling down the stairs to the basement and I remember he's like at the basement with like fucking ninja weapons, like I'm gonna kill this ghost cat and I just remember him sitting there with the and we open the basement door and I'm not going anywhere near the ship.

Speaker 3:

I'm still in, like the living room yeah he's more closer, the basement stairs, like looking down, essentially, and I just remember we heard a meow again and I fucking hightailed it back up to his room and I don't remember if you followed or not, but I just got the fuck out of dodge because, yeah, it clear as fucking day, it sounded like it sounded like it was moving, like at first it was coming from the kitchen area. We got down there, it sounded like it was coming from the, like, the living room going to the basement, like it was like an animal telling you to follow them somewhere and it was fucking. It wasn't scary as much because it was just a cat meowing, but it was terrifying because you don't own a cat.

Speaker 4:

That was always the most active part of the house was the basement. Which is funny because the kids always brought their friends over and slept down there. But I don't want want to say nothing because we had done a table tipping down there. Uh, ben did table tipping with us. Um, but we did a table tipping where where, uh, and you can try table tipping, it's mine what's what is table tipping table.

Speaker 4:

Tipping is basically you take a table and you all sit around and you put your hands out like sort of like a spirit board and you ask the spirits to move the table and the table will start to twist. It'll lift up, it'll sometimes it'll hover and just freeze in the air like a cartoon. Sometimes they'll pick up the legs and bang once for yes and twice for no and it, if you start doing it enough, it'll just start rocking and rolling up by your hands will be basically one person might have one finger on that thing still moving. So we were doing. I remember doing it once where I don't know if this is the one where ben did it with us, I think we might have done one when um we tried to we, uh, we were doing the table because my I learned it from my buddy steve from the uk, so we were doing it.

Speaker 4:

And then I hear, okay, all right, if you're in the room, tap the table. So you can tap the table, very cool. So if you're in a room, where are you in the room? Tap to the part of the room you're in. And we hear a tap all the way in the corner by the water heater and of course, my ex-wife's looking at me like what the hell.

Speaker 4:

And then Steve and I are smiling so we think it's cool, you know, because he's been to Chillingham Castle, stuff like that. So then I go okay, cool, can you move to the room, can you move to the corner over here?

Speaker 4:

And we wait a minute and here, boom, he's over there. Okay, cool, can you come back here, behind the people that are here? And here, boom. And I go. All right, I want you to be right behind me, be right behind me. And all of a sudden, bam, so it was moving, literally moving around the basement, so it started doing the table and then the table started getting so like I don't know if they were getting excited, not agitated, but the table was just going so fast, it was going like you're seeing a horror movie and I said, okay, you gotta stop. And then it just stopped like instantly. And but that place has always been like like, yeah, the hub, because I've done a couple investigations in in our house and that was always the most active area just funny enough is I've, all the times we're down there, I've never had a bad experience down there.

Speaker 3:

I've only ever had that one with the cat I've never seen. Well, I don't think it was like I've had weird feelings, but it also might be because it's a dark basement and well it's this is just energy.

Speaker 4:

It's not necessarily good or bad. You know what I mean and you know it's what you like. Whenever you go and investigate too, it's always about what you, what's your intention, what you put out when you're doing the investigation, that's what you're going to get back, sort of like, if you're in someone's face and you're giving them a hard time, what do you think it's going to come back to you? But if you're nice to someone, for the most part they will be cool with you, you know, I mean. So it's kind of like what, what, what energy you're putting out? Because basically we all are spirits. We're just got bodies right now, but eventually we won't. We'll transition to the other side, just like there. So it's no different.

Speaker 4:

And like, I think, with ben, what it is is that he's just open, sort of like I am um, but he doesn't have the control on. So it just kind of goes on and off like a, like a switch, and then the spirits just they follow him around because look, haunted. All haunted means is it's the place is active. So any place can be active. A person can be haunted, land can be haunted, a house can be haunted, a article can be haunted.

Speaker 4:

I mean, it doesn't really matter, it's whatever activity or energy is connected to said thing at that time so that's, do you think, tragedy attracts I think that, yeah, I think that tragedy and uh, the amount of deaths uh can also attribute to that, because you know you're putting a lot of energy out, a ton of energy You're going to get more of. It's like a bigger battery kind of a thing. Like I did an article on topaz, do you guys know what topaz are? Topaz?

Speaker 3:

yeah. Isn't that where, like, if you think hard enough, it'll manifest?

Speaker 4:

Yeah basically Monks used to do it, and what they would do is they would think about an entity and create this entity that would think and feel exactly like them. Then, if they kept going long enough, then what would happen is it would take it on a life of its own and become this own energetic being, and then that's what, basically what a topa is. So one day we were talking about it on Paramore, on radio, I think, and I said well, my thought process is you know, like sometimes you go to a Honda location and they say we're just going to use this as an example there's a lady named Mary and she died here and she had an accident. She killed people, okay. So, uh, everybody that comes there here's the story knows about it. They're all amped up and excited about it.

Speaker 4:

You get thousands and thousands and thousands of people. They go, this they're experiencing, I saw Mary. They Thousands and thousands and thousands of people. They go. This they're experiencing, I saw Mary. They hear the screaming, they hear the see the lady with the ax, all that kind of stuff. And then you do the history to house and there ain't nothing to do with that at that location at all. So what has happened is the people that actually went to this location created this topa, or this entity or energy, just based on belief and intention. I mean, that's how strong. That's how strong intention and belief is for us as people. You know what I mean. So, just like when you walk into a haunted location, you're automatically adding your energy into the mix.

Speaker 3:

How often do you think something like that is like TOPA related or maybe just like a someone wanting to see something really bad? Like I could take a photo in the dark and if I really, really wanted to see a face, you can make a face just appear out of the matrixing.

Speaker 5:

It almost sounds like it kind of is the same thing almost.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying so, do you think topas are necessarily like a paranormal thing, or is it, could it also be like a group think? You know, if you just want to see something, your mind can make something appear, I think it's an energy.

Speaker 4:

You know what I mean. I think it's like more of an energy thing than anything. I mean, when you're talking about pareidolia is what you're talking about when you look in a mirror and you go, oh, I just saw a face, or um, our brains are made to make up, to make sense out sees, okay. So water dripping that's really good for hearing your name being called, even though it's just water dripping, because your mind is connecting to this and making it so. So, anything that you know, like, um, you know, uh, windows, anything reflective, it's things like that you have to be very careful because, um, your brain's going to make something out of it. So, if you go into a home with a high belief on, you know this place is haunted and this is going on, um, either it's adding to it and making it so or it's just bringing it out because you're just energizing the area. One of the two, you know what I mean. Cool.

Speaker 2:

So, you've mentioned the other side a couple of times. Yes, so the things that you're interacting with, where do you believe they are residing when they get to the other?

Speaker 4:

side. Okay, so all right, this is the way that I look at what I do. Within the paranormal, you deal with entities or energies of humans who have now left their bodies. You're dealing with energies that were never human elementals.

Speaker 4:

You're dealing with fairies You're dealing with. I mean, if you're extraterrestrial, you know there are all sorts of energies out there, and when I say out there, I mean in different planes of existence. If you believe in, like you know, the string fairy and such, where you know we are right next to somebody else, right next to somebody else, right next to somebody else, it's like a string, and if you did it like a, like a up and down, like a W, you know, and what happens is, after a while, string theory sometimes it starts to pull and then the veil or the whatever, the connection between one side and the other starts to be seen. So the question really is too. It's like, when we pass, are we? You can get really, really deep in this.

Speaker 5:

I'm trying not to do that, but we usually want to do a whole string theory thing at some point.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, but basically you know. So where I believe that they are, there are other planes of existence, there are other uh dimensions, there are other uh planetary places. There are, you know, other earths. There are other planetary places, there are other Earths, there are all sorts of different things.

Speaker 4:

So, where we leave, when we go to energy, I believe that there is a source. You can call it God, you can call it whatever you want, but there's a source where we all come from and there's a source where we all go to. I think that when we're alive this is just my thought process connected with what I believe and the things I connect to is that you have a spirit, you have a soul. The soul is what makes you who you are. You're alive. Without your soul, you're not alive. You also have a spirit that kind of works off that soul and builds and grabs your emotions and your thoughts and your memories and all that kind of stuff. So that way, when you transition to the other side, the soul goes back to the source of the oneness and then the rest of who you are, as matt or me. Uh, we travel on and move to wherever it is that we choose to do or want to go to.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I don't have all the answers to all that, but there is a vast amount of uh, planes of existence and there's no time, um you know, I mean, we talked to a lady who did near-death experiences and she said everyone that died and then came back had their own thought process and experience of what it was like to die and come back, because it's all really based on what we believe and what our intention is. It's just how we make it.

Speaker 3:

We make it so you said that with the whole string theory thing and everything like that, it's eventually just that veil basically just lining up like two lining up together at a certain point. Sometimes so could some hauntings or anything not even be from what we perceive like ghosts being. It could just be Mike from another dimension. You just saw him for a split second.

Speaker 2:

He didn't only field trip. Yeah, he was just going to work and you just saw him for a split second.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he was just going to work and you just saw that 100 there are.

Speaker 4:

I believe that there are probably like lots of different arts that have different inclinations of us. I mean, you start talking about things like doppelgangers, you know where you think you see somebody like my daughter who thought she saw me go into my room in my home one day and then walked down there and said, hey, dad, and I wasn't in there because I was not even in the house. So, um, do some people believe that these aren't even spirits? Like, when we pass and transition, we just move into a different body and now we're in a different plane of existence. That's near where we're at now. So when we're talking there, they can kind of hear us, we can kind kind of hear them. So it's like so they might be doing the same thing on their side as we are on our side trying to communicate.

Speaker 3:

So it's really weird, really enjoy the thought now that I potentially am a ghost to somebody.

Speaker 4:

I might have just scared someone. That's what you got out of this. Oh my Lord.

Speaker 3:

I enjoy that Someone in a different dimension right now is trying to do some sort of like evp section to pick up me talking right now, at this moment.

Speaker 2:

Can you imagine, while you were in your orthodontist, just like accidentally popping into somebody's reality?

Speaker 5:

just this, this, this tooth person is just suddenly because they saw me in a costume so, oh, my god, I'm trying to figure out how to ask this question, but so I know we've we've kind of covered like energies, like multiple different types of energies, whether it be, you know, uh, aliens or spirits or whatnot.

Speaker 5:

Um, but like, is there, do you think there's like a certain like formula that, like a, like a passed on spirit follows where? Because, like, there's like things where I see, like, oh, like, when you see a spirit, like, most of the time they're like kind of stuck in a like a pattern of their life where they pretty much they're stuck in this area that they were doing the things that they were doing before, uh, but then you also have like people you know might be a good segue for this, but picking up EVPs, where it seems like there's actually communication going on, where the spirit might be watching or actually knowing what's happening in the moment. I guess my question is do you think there's? I don't know, I'm not sure how to ask this, I guess, but like, is there any sort of rhyme or reason to like how a spirit might act? I guess?

Speaker 4:

no, you're talking about different things. You got intelligent spirits ones that can hear us and are trying to talk back to us which is the other one right?

Speaker 4:

and you have residual, which are just basically, uh, a playing a loop of whatever, like they walk down the stairs exactly 10 o'clock every day. You know what I mean. Now, it could be because of different stones and woods and water, and they got all these different theories and stuff. So those are a couple of things also, like when they say, oh, a spirit is trapped in this particular place, they're only trapped because they think they're trapped. They believe that they're trapped.

Speaker 4:

If they, that's, why can you like go to places, like I've done, where you cross spirits over? You know you can't force them to go over, but because sometimes they stay here, because, uh, because there's earthbound spirits which are ghosts and then there are spirits. The earthbound spirits means that they haven't crossed over yet. When they've crossed over and can come back, we just come spirits. That's just my own personal theory to that. Okay, so um, but yeah, if they're, they're trapped in a particular area, you can help them to say, look, cross over. Sometimes they're afraid because they think that I did all this bad shit, so now I go over there, I'm gonna go to hell and it's gonna be all the stuff which is not true, because for the most part, you move over there, you get a life review. You see what you've done right, what you've done wrong, because earth, basically, is this like training around. This is where we learn things, and I mean, sometimes we come back again many, many times. Sometimes we don't, maybe we go somewhere else you get a performance review.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you get a performance. Yes, you do, you're getting your point through your eyes.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you ever heard that Like your life flashes before you before you die. Well, it's kind of it just does it on the other side. Yeah, demerits so, but basically that's it. So, um, I I don't know if that answers your question, but I mean so you can help them sometimes. Then they'll go. Okay, they trust, and then they go and then the boom, it's done. You know, I mean, some don't want to go because they really want to be here. They want to do whatever they want to do help, guide people, and that's kind of what their their bag is. You know who's in charge of all that or who how all works? I have no, I have no idea that that's fair, that's fair.

Speaker 5:

No, that definitely that makes sense, I think, because, yeah, I wasn't really. I mean, obviously I don't think anybody's like truly, truly sure why or what happened, like, or the reasoning for what they're doing but, yeah, um yeah, no, I think that that makes sense, for sure, cool yeah, um, now you brought some audio clips.

Speaker 3:

Yes, for us today, of of evps. From what? I understand, yeah, correct so we're gonna play a couple of these for you guys so the antique store was rejoice antiques.

Speaker 4:

It was a antique store in oswego, illinois, which I we did.

Speaker 3:

Oh wait, oh sorry, sorry, it just automatically started playing. Whoa, is that?

Speaker 2:

the antiques, where the Wii went to no Rejoice Antiques.

Speaker 4:

So basically and they have a, if you go to, there was a basement where it actually had the old, like you know, wizard of Oz door. You opened up and you went down into the basement. It was all like really old and creepy. But yeah, there were like some child spirits and stuff there and stuff elicit some response and we got, uh, someone who we believe is telling us to go away because they didn't want to have nothing to do with us, which is kind of common. So yeah, so let's play it and see what it sounds like?

Speaker 3:

yep it, it does kind of just sound like, um, like someone like from upstairs.

Speaker 4:

Just go away, like they're talking to, just like a friend, but it's very clearly like a woman, go away yeah, but there's like uh, it was myself, al and larry, I believe, at the time, so there was no females in the building oh, you guys were the only ones. You said the only ones, yeah so because we, we, a lot of the places we go out, we go when it's nighttime, we walked up and closed. So yeah, so that was it, that Spooky.

Speaker 3:

This next one is Goddamn, let's see what they got.

Speaker 4:

Basically it was a residential and we were setting up and stuff and talking about what we're going to do and everything, and we didn't hear this until way later. But it's kind of funny because they were watching us saying, all right, goddamn, let's see what they got.

Speaker 5:

Let's listen here it's so like, it's so robotic almost that's pretty crazy.

Speaker 3:

Would you catch that on to make it sound?

Speaker 4:

like that. Well, basically they would, we would use either. I use Tascam's order recorders basically to do that and I don't think there was an app, I think that was basically. Then you're probably hearing some when we put it through the wave pad to clear it up so you can hear it. So that might be a little bit robotic. Okay, but, yeah but basically the because the voice is just like so low of a frequency, you know. But yeah, it's pretty clear.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it was very clear so what's the next one? Shucks. Josh says I'm here.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, I was talking to a little boy and I wanted to see if he was there with us and he came through and this was just an EVP. I didn't really have to do much to it, it was pretty cool.

Speaker 3:

Let's give this one a listen then. Josh are you?

Speaker 5:

here, you're here, hi buddy. Damn, yeah, that one's like clear as day I want to listen to that one again, real quick yeah of course you get the echo because it's through an app, you know, versus the spirit box.

Speaker 4:

But basically, yeah, he pretty much directly answered my question.

Speaker 3:

So where was that at?

Speaker 4:

Do you really want to know? That would be my house that I used to own.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

My son's smiling now.

Speaker 3:

Maybe the little shadow guy's name is Josh and not Larry or whatever the fuck he called it.

Speaker 4:

I got that in our house in the dining room.

Speaker 3:

That might be the little shadow guy you should be like. You should go home tonight and be like hey, josh, you here. See what? Maybe the the ceiling light will turn off and on or some shit creepy.

Speaker 4:

The next one we have yeah, this was the egyptian theater, so there was a bunch of stuff that kept happening on the stairway. As we go up and down we would get evie, we would get like a bunch of um, emf in one section as soon as we move away, nothing Going back, nothing, but right in that section and you can hear kind of like shuffling and stuff like that. So I said I asked about like who's here or who's in that area or something like that, and you'll hear a really clear creepy. It's like a Halloween voice listening to this one. Can you tell us who is here, who's downstairs on that stairway that we keep getting readings from? We'd really like to know who's doing that. Freddy.

Speaker 3:

Freddy Fazbear, freddy Krueger, freddy.

Speaker 5:

Krueger yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so that was like we were no way play that again, so we're like we were just freaking out so are.

Speaker 3:

Is this just straight up from a recorder? Are you guys using?

Speaker 4:

no, we don't like. Whenever I do EVPs, all I do is I I clean them up enough so you can bring them up like amplify them and then just do like like intelligible cleaning, you know, but there's no like manipulation so I'll ask this real quick before we continue forward too.

Speaker 3:

I've seen. One of the investigation tools that I've seen is that Obulus like the voice box, where it just has like 2,000 words downloaded on it. Do you think that is a legit tool or is there some kind of nonsense going on there?

Speaker 4:

No, I think that's a legit tool. But what's funny, I used to have one of the old ovuluses with like a separate digital screen so you can see the text, and it was like it never did anything for me. Now I use paratech and I use what's called a necrometer and I'll tell you, man, I got some crazy stuff on the last tiktok show, everything to do with what was going on. So those are good I have. There's two other apps that I use that are created by a friend of mine called from chill seekers. He's uh, he does. This makes these apps that are really work. Well, they're just banks of sound with uh just work.

Speaker 4:

You know words in their stuff, but they don't. They're not repetitive, they don't do the same thing over and over and over, and you can always tell when something's intelligent, when something's not. You know what I mean, and it has to be spot on to what I'm saying, or I'm just like, yeah, whatever, you know what?

Speaker 4:

I mean I need to hear intelligence and then wait a little bit and do something. You're going to get a little more intelligence. So then I figure, oh, I might speak, I may be even connecting to something that's actually intelligent other than that, it just this last one is recorded with one of those apps would say uh, yeah, that was yeah, that was correct, yeah okay, so the next one we got here.

Speaker 3:

Ben's going to miss out, but that's okay.

Speaker 5:

First Ward Mill.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, okay. So this is weird. So we went to a place called First Ward Schoolhouse from the 1800s in Wisconsin. A friend of mine owned it. It's three or four floors At the time. Of course it's closed. The place was sealed up because they had to deal with heat issues. You know stuff. Of course we went in the summer, but their windows are blocked from the inside and the outside with wood. When you're locked in it is like soundproof. You could hear a pin drop, okay. So what it was.

Speaker 4:

Though at some point it turned into like it was like middle school or something like that, and there were nuns that used to live in the basement and one said none lived underneath the stairs in the basement. Now, of course you can imagine nuns and you know kids in fifth and sixth grade. Some of them just didn't get along. So I don't know what's happening, this poor lady, but you're going to hear distress big time. This was strictly an evp. I didn't have to clean it up. I didn't have to do anything. It was running we. I ran this and started recording while we were upstairs getting ready to do the investigation. So I didn't know about this till like maybe four or five days later. But listen to this, let's take a peek.

Speaker 3:

Oh, ben's back. Let's wait for Ben. Ben get over here.

Speaker 4:

We're keeping this all in You'll hear like a male voice too, but I can't really make it out or something. But then you'll hear her say something and then you'll you'll hear a scream. What was the place called first ward, first ward schoolhouse in wisconsin?

Speaker 4:

I didn't like that just straight screaming, straight screaming yeah, and it's like I'm like there's no way, because there was only one recorder down all the way down in the basement, which was we had three levels and then the basement. So yeah, it was, and we were like all the way at the top, so there's there's no.

Speaker 3:

Now you could probably debunk what I'm about to say. Bomba played the slightest bit of devil's advocate on this. Go ahead straight up. Sounded like, sometimes, the sound my cat makes. Could you make the argument that there that potentially could have been some sort of wildlife around for that? Or were you guys so deep in this place that there wasn't like an animal present?

Speaker 4:

I would say that to you. First of all, the reason I said there were thick pine boards on the windows on the upper levels, and then this was down below ground, all the way down below ground, underneath some stairs would be hard pressed for it to be anything and if anything was in there, was the building. No, yeah, it's called first ward school house. Is this the building?

Speaker 3:

that's the bill, it's creepy looking. I don't like it.

Speaker 4:

It's gigantic you think it's a small thing, but no, yeah it looks huge. Yeah, we slept there and stuff. We slept on haunted beds too from like the limp mansion and stuff, and they had a. They had a wood cabinet there from um, who was a? Uh, there was a serial killer and he's keep his weapons in this. So, anyways, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you, straight up. That is the most haunted looking photo of a place I've ever seen. It was awesome man.

Speaker 4:

We stayed there overnight. We were, it was like a we stayed there, we slept there, everything. And that's where we caught the mist on the stairs. I have photos of a mist that just came out of nowhere, and every time my buddy Larry would go to that area, he'd get sick like he wants to vomit and he's like the most biggest skeptic. So, finally, I said, well, let's take some pictures while you're there, then, and he took pictures and you can see this mist roll in in a sealed building on the third floor from like nowhere, and then it just goes away, so I don't know hate that yeah okay, that sounds terrifying actually

Speaker 3:

also that you got to use that photo in the thumbnail somewhere um, yeah.

Speaker 5:

So what's the story behind this next one? The residence, uh, green street, um, uh, okay.

Speaker 4:

So green street was basically, uh, just a residence we were at and it was really cool because we were getting all sorts of like activity and stuff like there. Um, I'm trying to figure out what, uh, oh, here. Oh, they yelled wait, because we were like at one point, we're in the garage, we're like we're not getting none man, forget this, we're just gonna stop. And it was came right through the spirit box. We'll hear it. You just play it, you'll hear it. Okay. Well, we're gonna go now. We're gonna need this here. Okay, wait wait.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, he's like wait, like he needed something to tell you hold on okay, and then when we I think, after we start, we, we waited a little bit, they talked for a little bit and it was about it. But yeah, it was like. It was like right, right, where I'm going to hit the button, like totally, perfectly timed it was at wait.

Speaker 3:

So we're like all right, we'll wait now that we're waiting, spirit, what do you have to say to us? Well, now that I'm on a podium, I don't know yeah, caught me on stage right um, what's this? Uh, the next one you have here residential uh ar sb7 attic attic oh uh, I think it was.

Speaker 4:

I think it was just Spirit saying hi, we're using the SB7, which is just a spirit box. It was really popular back in the day. I mean, I have a $250 spirit box that I had made, so it's a little different than this one. I had a guy make it, he made it, so I bought one for him.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, so this is like the typical little you take the antenna off of it and you just go with it. Well, let's hear it. Yeah, you know, it takes a lot of energy. Wait, okay, wait, you get hi hi hello, just a bunch of. Oh snap, Sorry, I thought I did my bad's like a bunch of can you post that one on the chat.

Speaker 3:

Oh snap, sorry, I thought I did my bad.

Speaker 5:

A bunch of people talking that's, it sounds it's, it's cool because it's just. It seems like there's. You're just like I don't know. I'm just imagining like a bunch of ghosts, just like chilling on the couch, being like hey, what's up?

Speaker 4:

it's funny you bring that up because part of the the reason what we adopted is in the dark investigations was we found by doing like one time at the willow creek farm not what I was talking about earlier, but something before is that when you take a break and you're like sitting around, you're just talking about it's why I gotta go to work, I gotta do this, or blah, blah, blah. All of a sudden, as long as you're leaving the stuff running, they want to come forward, they want to talk and you start hearing things and laughing and talking. It's because they because you know they're still, you know they write their resonate with you know conversation as a human being, when they remember that. So I at least that's what we thought, so we would adopt that. We're like okay, for the next 10 minutes we're just gonna sit around, chill, eat some food, talk and then, hell man, we get the best, the best stuff every time. Dang, that's so funny I'm vibing dude.

Speaker 5:

I was gonna say they must like uh, there's got to be some sort of I mean shit. When you're dead, I assume you want to like be included in things sometimes, so there, you go.

Speaker 3:

Did you guys see that new uh, that new beetlejuice 2 movie, and the ghost is like oh, I wonder, I didn't. I want to talk about no, I haven't, michael.

Speaker 5:

thanks for the spoilers. Yeah, really thanks I saw it.

Speaker 3:

We have one more that we can go over here. It looks like it's another. Is it from the same? It was another attic.

Speaker 5:

It looked like a residential spirit box session attic. Asking for contact. I don't know.

Speaker 4:

It's cut off. Hmm, what are you saying? I don't know. Play it and I'll be able to tell you.

Speaker 3:

I have to tell you afterwards, let's play it.

Speaker 2:

Hi Hello.

Speaker 4:

Hello. Yeah, see, that was another one where it was the same thing and that was just clear through a spirit box too. They were like, all right, we're going to gonna move on and then they'd say wait, like they're trying to. Okay, I'm trying to trying to converse, you know what I mean. So who knows what kind of what it takes to do that?

Speaker 4:

I mean they don't have mouths. You know what I mean. So it's like how does this work, you know? And to me I think it's just vibrational. Uh, just sort of like when we talk, I talk to you guys, you hear it in your ear, but my larynx is basically like a rubber band and then you're filtering it through your ear on a vibrational level. So why not to say that their energy can create a vibration, which then makes it easier for things to pick up on it, as maybe a voice or a sound or something close to it, and maybe these apps make it even easier for them to do that. Now, how that works, I have no idea, but you know it's just a thought process. You know what I mean. So, okay, but uh, yeah, I like it.

Speaker 3:

I mean thanks for bringing these couple pretty fucking creepy, I'm not gonna lie, yeah I like them yeah, I and I've always, like um enjoyed the idea of like I don't know how I would personally react if I heard a spirit talk to me. I bet I imagine the first time that happened was very like eye opening and like now we're, now we're doing something here.

Speaker 4:

Like those are not so bad. It's when you hear it in your ear and it's right next to you and you can feel the breath and there's nobody there in the dark room. Try that one Cause I've had that many times where it goes chuck and it's right by my ear and I can actually feel the breath and look and there's nobody in that room. There's nobody there, that's clear today.

Speaker 5:

I've always been curious about that too, like when, like a lot of times, you'll see on like shows and stuff like that, the like you know, whatever spirits, entity, whatever it may be, is like saying someone's name. I always wonder how they like know, unless they heard it, obviously. But like, it seems like, uh, like uh, zach baggins loves doing this, but he's always like, oh, they're saying my name, they're saying my name like.

Speaker 3:

It's like they don't all know you yeah, yeah, he's notorious in the ghost world.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I don't know it's like you know, because you know a lot. A lot of times when we do investigation you'll hear my name quite a lot. But I think it's maybe because I have a connection to the other side and I try to connect with them and use my spirit guys and do this kind of stuff. I, maybe, that's it.

Speaker 4:

I know we've got, we've caught um evps of them saying we, we know who you are talking about me in front of like we had a whole bunch of people that one time and they go. Did they just say what we think you said, so we? Went back and listened to it and I was like, oh okay, all right, whatever, but they like me. Like I said, they like me, they trust me, that kind of stuff. So that's kind of cool, that's wild yeah, and. I don't know. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

If it's telepathic or you know, I have no more questions than answers in the paranormal right. I mean, yeah, well, uh, I am fresh out of cues unless you guys have anything.

Speaker 2:

Uh doug, I have a couple things written down, yes, um, so we started off the episode right off the bat, with you talking about how there are some myths that are like popular culture, things that every paranormal investigator does or talks about. What are some other popular myths that are just complete crap, that everything is a demon?

Speaker 4:

yeah that is the, that is the thing, that pisses me off more than anything because, first of all, demon is a religious in a religious context too. If you believe in religion and you're catholic or whatever you know I mean, I'm not not from religion. I say whatever you believe in and it and it gives you faith and and you have a wonderful life, then I say go for it.

Speaker 4:

But the demon is basically a religious context, and so if you have people that are non-denominational or spiritual, um, then it's not a demon. You know what I mean. And not everything is evil. You know, like, you go to every location and everything is evil. That's just not the way it is. It's like in real life, we run into people that are not good or bad and we hear about murders and things that happen.

Speaker 4:

But if you look at the percentage of that to all the good people and everything when we do hear about it since the news is, you know programming, um, the reality is, uh, most of the spirits on the other side are, are, are of good nature, um, and like I say, if you put out that that that way to them, that you're going to get the same response.

Speaker 4:

So I think that that's like, probably the worst thing is like, uh, everything's evil. And like, for instance, when um, someone gets scratched, you see on TV, oh, it's three scratches, it's the Trinity, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, okay, whatever, let's just get a grip, okay. So let's just put it this way what if a spirit was trying to get your attention, been doing it for 10 minutes, doing this tap dance thing and you're not hearing them or paying attention to them. They're trying to figure out how to put their energy out to you, because we're just talking all about theory right now and so they shove all this gigantic amount of energy out and it either gets you a burn or a scratch. How do you put intention to something you can't see? How can you say that?

Speaker 3:

that's evil or bad, especially when you don't know if it even meant for that to be the reaction exactly.

Speaker 4:

So you don't know. You know what I mean. So I think that's a really, uh, you know, like, and everybody wants to go out there and do this now because they want to, like who puts a run out? Anyways, if there was a demon, I'm gonna go hang out with the demon. I mean, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You know, if that was real, I'm running the other way, man, because you know spirits are one thing, demons would be another, you know yeah yeah, absolutely, but I you know, so I don't.

Speaker 4:

I think that's a really big, huge, huge one on the bucket list have you come across any real like what you would call evil spirits? I've come across ones that are pretty pissed off and cranky and saying hey, fuck you and shit like that yeah but nothing that they're like calling a demon no, I've never been burned.

Speaker 4:

I have been scratched, I've been poked and kind of pushed a bit and stuff like that. But but I mean, you know what I mean. I I've never, in everything that I've done anyways, I've never come across anything that threw me across the room or picked up something large and smashed my head in with it. You know what I?

Speaker 5:

mean Never been a possessed or anything I've never been possessed.

Speaker 4:

You know what I mean? I mean I I channel spirits when I'm doing doing automatic writing and stuff, and you got to be careful with that stuff because you get kind of zealous and go, ooh, I remember what this is like to have a body.

Speaker 4:

Let me just you know what I mean, but I mean you kind of control the show. You know what I mean. People don't understand how much, how much their willpower and their, their manifestation properties and stuff that they have, can really control their situation. That's where, when you go into a home, you can tell people how to control the situation in your home and what you can do to kind of say this is my place, I'm the living, you're not the living you know me but and work out a kind of a deal or some respect or something like that.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, so I hope that answers your question. That's like the biggest method drives me nuts no that does okay.

Speaker 2:

Um, so you can see things that other people can't and you have a connection to the other side. Does that extend to recordings of stuff? So like, if you have an audio recording or a video recording or a live stream or something like that, can you pick up things and those recordings or feeds that other people might not be?

Speaker 4:

Sometimes yeah, phones are really good for that Like I've, and what's funny is sometimes I picked up on it and then the person I was talking to said I'm sorry, but I just thought I heard someone talking to you through the phone out of nowhere and I'm like oh, so you heard that too, which was kind of crazy so I was like I was the only one hearing it.

Speaker 4:

You know what I mean. But yeah, now, as far as seeing things, it's that's. That's a little more on the on the downside. You talk about apparitions or shadow figures and stuff like that. They're all cool, but you don't see that quite a lot. It's more of an auditorial thing for some reason. I don't know why. Maybe it's easier energetically-wise to do that. But I have seen a few apparitions. I have seen a face in the air like right in front of me. We caught one in someone's home in the air, like right in front of me. Uh, we caught one in someone's home in the basement which was kind of crazy. Like I said, oh, I saw that. And then we went back and looked at, we actually captured on with a picture, so it was there. So but, um, yeah, I mean, you know, sometimes I can, I'll sense or pick up on something in the room before I go into a room and then something will happen. So it just really depends. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and the last thing that I have, the most interesting I guess, paranormal. I don't know if this is paranormal, but you talk about string theory and how things are interconnected and things like that. The most interesting phenomena of that nature to me is synchronicities. Yes, Do you believe in synchronicities?

Speaker 4:

Yes, I believe in synchronicity. Nothing happens for no reason. There's no such thing as good luck. Everything is as it should be. You know what I mean Doesn't mean we don't have free will, doesn't mean we can't, you know, still map out how we go through life. You know what I mean. But we do have certain paths that we were kind of like we're going to follow. We just don't know it from before we're born, but like soul contracts and stuff, I don't believe in any of that stuff where you sign up and say this is exactly how my eyes are going to go, because there's a reason why we're given free will and I mean we can go down that path or we can go the wrong way, and then you go the wrong way.

Speaker 4:

Sometimes bad things happen. I mean, who knows, maybe a murderer was somebody that was supposed to be good and do this stuff and he decided I'm free will in that man. And the next thing, you know, you know you're so far on one end that you know there's no balance anymore. So I do, I do believe, uh, that there is totally. Everything is in synchronous in this city. And then you know there are signs and there are things that you should be paying attention to. If you're open, if you're mindful which just means being aware of your surroundings, being aware of things that are happening in your life on a daily basis, one thing at a time then, yeah, you know, and you can make your life better.

Speaker 5:

For that, too, you know what I mean by using that to your advantage excuse my ignorance on this, but when you say you don't believe in like soul contracts, is that like, uh, like bartering for better, like, oh so?

Speaker 4:

well the way soul contracts were explained to me, because you know you can go, we can get into a cost of records too. But soul contracts are basically when, before I'm born as a spirit, I'm, I'm. I'm picking exactly how my life's going to be and how, where I'm going to be in the path. I'm going to be a policeman, I'm going to be this, and I don't think that that's I. My personal belief is I don't believe that. I believe that we're put on this earth with some kind of a gps inner. We all have an inner voice. If you want to talk about god or whatever that energy it's in all of us a little bit of that, isn't everybody? So we all are kind of that way. So but as far as going forward in life I mean environment, all that kind of stuff has a great play on uh on things and how we, how we accept or don't accept things, and where it's going to put us.

Speaker 4:

But if we just believe in ourselves and and really take the time to say you know, whatever, when I feel something, you know and I don't mean like emotional if I feel like I know that this is the way, I should go and go with that with some logical sense, instead of just following your mind and statistics and google and everything else, you're going to wind up probably more down the path you're supposed to be and kind of like what you were kind of, you know, meant to be, kind of, in a way.

Speaker 5:

I suppose okay well, to get really down the rabbit hole, do you think there are people out there that are actually selling their souls to demons and stuff to better themselves through life?

Speaker 4:

I think that they I don't think they're selling their souls to demons, but I do believe that they can manifest enough and pull enough energy to get what they want to a certain extent. And then of course, when time comes, there always has to be balance. That's why there's good and evil, and of course that's subjective, but there has to be some kind of balance. So if you start pulling everything out of balance too much, it has to right itself. The universe will right it.

Speaker 5:

That's fair, that's the way I look at it, I could see that for sure.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Matt One, sure I, uh, I got one go ahead. One last question, and this will be my last one. Um so say, somebody wants to figure out if they have some sort of connection, or maybe strengthen whatever ability they do have to connect to the other side, how would you recommend they go?

Speaker 5:

he's just asking for a friend you would.

Speaker 4:

You would find someone like myself that can help you into learning how to listen to your inner self better, how your inner self works for you, like, like you know, when your inner self is speaking to you, because they all speak to all of us. Our inner, real, true self is inside and it speaks to us. How does it speak to us? It's not necessarily always a voice. It could be the way your body changes when you're picking good versus something that's not good for you. There's all sorts of different ways how to do lots of meditation to make yourself more open to the, being able to pick up things you know. The more relaxed you are, the more in tune you are that of thing. That's when you become more open to hearing or seeing things that maybe other people aren't seeing, so it's not like this magic show or anything like that.

Speaker 4:

It's just kind of like you know, the better you practice at something, the better off, the better you'll get. So I would say, find someone that kind of knows the stuff and and work with them and and then you know, take it and see where it goes. But uh because, and then you know, take it and see where it goes. But uh because I mean I had teachers. I had nancy laporta, which I think ben knows, and then I had judy lundgren. So I had two teachers. One was angels and demons, judy, and one was like pretty much anything to do with psychic ability, stuff like that, and just kind of learned and taught me different tricks and tips and such to be able to uh open myself up more and connect to everything around us more, and then kind of just just kind of just the more you practice, of course, the better it gets.

Speaker 2:

So do you believe every person? I said that was gonna be my last question, it's not. Do you think every person has some sort of ability?

Speaker 4:

I can't answer that. That was not your last question. No, uh, basically no, everybody's intuitive. Yes, everybody has an inner voice, and everybody's. I'm sorry, I can't answer that. That was not your last question, sir. No, basically no, everybody's intuitive. Yes, everybody has an inner voice, and everybody's intuitive.

Speaker 4:

The problem is that most people don't hear their inner voice, or they do, but they don't like what they hear so they don't follow it. They say I know better, my mind knows better. My brain is. You know this wonderful thing and it's all full of statistics and what people tell me and what things I learn. So this is how I'm gonna, this is how I'm gonna lead my life is using my brain, and that's nick.

Speaker 4:

That's like the worst thing you can do, because this is made as a tool, sort of like a computer. It's made with programming and stuff like that, and through our lives we all know we get a lot of shit programming. So first we're going to do is you want to kind of reprogram this and make it more open and for manifestations, affirmations, stuff like that, and then start to figure out how I can hear this inner voice in kind of in tandem? So then this starts to lead down in your inner voice and then your mind is like the tool to help you get through and move forward with it. But everybody has intuitive abilities. Yeah, I mean, it's like when you walk into a room and and you you're like your two friends were just in there and you walk in there, go oh, this feels like you cut something with a knife in here, you know, because they were just fighting but you didn't see them fighting.

Speaker 4:

But you feel that or you go up to someone, you go this person's smiling, they look really nice, but man, there's something that feels really weird about this person. That is your inner voice saying back it up, back it up. Now you know what I mean. It's a warning thing, it's a it's, it's innate in everybody. So yeah.

Speaker 3:

So you can kind of say that your inner voice is sort of like what some people might say is instinct.

Speaker 4:

Yeah you can call it your gut you can call it whatever you want, but it's, I think it's by saying you're in a voice. I think it's more than when you start to tap into it and start to learn how to use it and kind of you know, make yourself. I mean it's not going to say like life's going to be great, my car's never going to break down, I'm never going to get divorced or anything like that, because life is life, life is supposed to have up and down. We, we learn the best out of any situation I mean any situation and use that and learn from it and grow from that.

Speaker 3:

So yeah. So if you don't listen to your voice. It's a skill issue. You grow up to be Mike Allen. I guess I would say my last question and possibly, unless you guys have anything else, the last question so we can wrap it up. Unless you guys have anything else, no, I think.

Speaker 3:

I've asked if we keep talking, I'll have more questions, so mine is kind of stupid, but you said before how you were able to pick up on some things, like over the phone. For example, I heard a theory a while back ago I don't remember the name of it or anything, but it's a theory that the back ago I don't remember the name of it or anything, but it's a theory that the reason that you don't see as many like hauntings or there's not as strong of a spiritual connection that people used to have, you know, 100, 200 years ago or anything, is a lot of it has to do with like what's one, like 5g, 5g waves and like radio waves things like that yes, people say, that is affecting you're not, you're not going full.

Speaker 2:

He went yeah, no, but no, but like not just 5g, but like wi-fi signals radio signals it's a theory.

Speaker 3:

I've heard the microwave yeah, microwaves, things like that, where those type of those type of frequencies are affecting a spirit's frequencies and making so they can't reach out as easy as they once were able to in the past. Do you think that there is any anything to that, or is that just people make, coming up with conspiracies for conspiracy sake? No, that's.

Speaker 4:

It's interesting to hear that but I don't agree on that at all. No, yeah I think we're a lot. Most people are dulled down by the environment and all the things that take our attention, like electronics and everything else that we all are into.

Speaker 4:

So if you take, if you know, it's like if you roger, if you're if you're all sucked into all these different things, you don't have time to work on your sixth sense. Or you're you know, because you got your vice and you don't have time to work on your sixth sense. Or your you know cause you got your vice and you don't have time to work on that. Life's fast, Everything moves fast. Boom, boom, boom boom.

Speaker 3:

So if you you know, like when.

Speaker 4:

I life coach. It's like I tell people when I life coach every day you have to have 15 minutes of play time or relax time, whatever, I don't care if you read a book, listen to music, whatever, connect to yourself. The more you start to do this you'll find, the more relaxed you get, less stress, you have less anxiety you've got and the more you'll start to be in tune with things you know. And it's a practice. It's just a practice, like anything. You know what I mean, but I don't think that those things are like blocking us or taking away from anything. Really, be honest with you.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of like how, like the driver assistance systems and cars, make everybody really terrible drivers all the things in our life that like steer our life for us, make us worse exactly because you're the driver of your car, you're the driver of the body of the person that you are right now.

Speaker 4:

So, yeah, you're in charge of it. But we, we basically all kind of like give up and just go. Well, I'm just going to follow society and what they're doing and, oh, that looks right, and I heard on google that this is right, so I'm going to do that. You know what I mean. Like most people will make a choice and then go. You know they'll feel and go, oh, I'm going to do that and then go. Well, you know.

Speaker 4:

But wait a minute though. I heard their red cars are really shitty, so I'm not going to buy that red car, I'm going to buy the blue one, because people are saying the blue one's the one that's got to buy, and then they find out that the red car was the good car and the blue one's a piece of shit. So it's like you know what you feel, what you should go for when you're moving forward in life. When you get that urge or that feeling, or whatever you want to call it, you pay attention to it a little bit more I kind of hate that the go-to now, like even at work, like uh, it's just uh.

Speaker 5:

Like somebody asks a question and we don't even have like the capacity to answer it for anyone anymore. It's just like, oh, google it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, just look it up, man, you can get it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, is that so, mr Check Confluence.

Speaker 5:

Hey, did you check Confluence? Because we have a whole system of answers there for you.

Speaker 3:

There's a whole system. Google it for you. I'm not saying Google is evil.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I is evil. Okay, I mean, it's not a demon or anything like that though sometimes there's some shit on there is.

Speaker 4:

But I mean I google stuff too. You know if I want like stats or information and stuff. But there's, there's. You know you use it for the right reasons. And I mean any tool, you use it for the right. There's always two sides to every tool, to everything you have. You know. I mean you got a sword, well good, it can cut stuff to help you out, like if you're cutting meat or whatever, but it can also kill somebody. You know what I mean. So it's, it's, it's the person in charge of, it's the person that's using it the knowledge that you're getting you know.

Speaker 4:

That's how you should be looking at everything so.

Speaker 3:

So back to my thing. It sounds like it sounds like you've been paid off by big 5g, so about me and uh, your opinion is not valid anymore because of that. All right, no.

Speaker 4:

No, no, I'm more 4K. Okay, I'm with the 4K people.

Speaker 5:

So back it up, buddy Big 1080p. Yeah, 1080p.

Speaker 4:

And higher. Screw that 5G shit. What are you? Some kind of flat screener?

Speaker 3:

Oh my fucking God, I'm more of a curved stream, curved kind of flat screener, oh my fucking.

Speaker 5:

God, I saw that one coming Curbs screen. Curbs kind of screen guy. Hey, you're not wrong though.

Speaker 3:

Well, I guess, on that note, if no one else has anything else, we can kind of call it here Chuckie G. You got anything to plug?

Speaker 5:

I know you did in the beginning of the show but if you want to go over it one more time for real quick, since jason isn't here. He always asks our guests to do this, but if you could leave our, our, our listeners with one piece of advice before you go, what would it be?

Speaker 4:

uh, I would give you one word to use in life and it'll get you everywhere, and the word is trust. So trust in the process, trust in yourself, you know, use your belief in who you are as a person and you will get very far in life.

Speaker 3:

What about you, Ben? You're a guest. Keep an open mind.

Speaker 6:

I have a question for Ben.

Speaker 4:

Oh, a question for Ben, that's my boy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I have a question for Ben on Jason's behalf because, again, jason, this is where I thought Doug was going to sit, oh no.

Speaker 1:

Technically, if you have life insurance, is it illegal? If you die, yes.

Speaker 3:

Legally you cannot die, otherwise you can sue the government Legally, you can't die.

Speaker 5:

I got one more for you, Ben. What's up? How? Many meatballs, do you?

Speaker 2:

think. Do you think, when were Tessie rules in 13.?

Speaker 3:

13? That's a good answer, pretty close to the general answer it's about like 14, 15 that's a good number too, yeah anyway, yeah, if you got, you got some plugs you want to throw out there again uh, basically no, you can find me.

Speaker 4:

Um, you can either go to chucky g, the paranormal explorer, on youtube, you can go to chucky g 1960 on tiktok, and I do my show every other friday from 9 to 10 central time, and then you can go to ChuckyGnet and you can check out more about me and pretty much everything.

Speaker 5:

We'll make sure to put his link tree in our bio on all of the places that you're listening to. This too, ben, do you have?

Speaker 3:

anything you want to plug for yourself, I don't do anything. Dustpan Duo.

Speaker 6:

No, we're good on that.

Speaker 3:

She's by herself need your home clean.

Speaker 3:

We got a guy send a magic cards yeah, right, um, yeah, no, I'll keep ours nice and short and sweet. Um, thank you, both of you, for coming on and sharing your experience and shedding some light on, um, all things paranormal, because it's definitely been something that we've been wanting to talk about. We're a bunch of skeptics here. I'm one of those people where it's hard for me to believe if I have not seen it myself. So getting a lot of things fleshed out because I'm very ignorant to it does answer a lot of the questions and satisfy, uh, uh, some of the things that I've always wondered about the paranormal uh and a lot of it I've I've known from just growing up with you too.

Speaker 4:

And well, thanks for having me on here. I mean, I appreciate it and skepticism is a very it's good and healthy to be skeptic. I'm a skeptic Even with the stuff I do. It's like how does this work? What? How does this happen? Which is different when you're just being a dick, you know, yeah well, you don't like it, so you're just not going to believe it, no matter what happens. You know ghost dancing or funny and you're like, yeah, whatever, you know what I mean. So, but other than that, you know. But thanks for having me on yeah, it's been awesome.

Speaker 3:

Honestly, it's been very I'll just I'll end it off in this and just say everyone get excited, because the next week we're going to be doing hometown horrors yeah, we have so many fucking stories like you guys turned out in. We have like a hundred stories to that. We're probably not gonna read them all. I don't know if we'll.

Speaker 5:

I we'll basically probably just start reading and see where we go. Yeah, there's like 15, like to 20 stories or something that you guys gave us.

Speaker 2:

If you haven't, maybe we could do ones that we can't get to on the main episode for yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

If you haven't sent in a story yet, don't, we're full well by the time you hear this it'll be too late, more than likely, so you'll have a day to do that, but, um, yeah, I mean dilute wean has been kicked off. I know our first couple episodes were a little mild uh, not on topic, but this one, next one, it's going to be good stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I would just like to say you know where we're at. Go to our website dilutycom patreon. Patreoncom slash dilutycom. Just go to our linktree linktreecom slash dilutypod. All our links are there. Literally any white website you're on. Don't look it on the internet or dilutypod, you'll find us. It's that easy. Um, if you want to send us a text, you can, or a phone call, you can use our google phone number, jace is not here to stop me, so suck it doug, uh, so you can read don't listen to.

Speaker 5:

Don't listen to him, so uh, no, the square the down in the corner with all the other colors hit the red button.

Speaker 3:

No, no don't touch anything, you might ruin something. If you want to send us a text, we'll respond. If you want to send us a phone call or send us a voicemail, we'll play it Redacted that's not even the right one. You can send us a voicemail, we'll play it. That phone number.

Speaker 5:

Oh, that's Yeti's fucking. You gotta let me say the phone number once first. That you gotta let me say the phone number once first. No, no, no, no no, that's the rule.

Speaker 3:

Let me say it once.

Speaker 5:

Try the other buttons, the phone number.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's the one After that.

Speaker 5:

Hold it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, all right, 630-909-9366. That's the phone number. I'm done. Anyway, I love you all. Thank you for listening and thank you guys for showing up. Appreciate it.

Speaker 5:

Oh, bye everybody. Thanks for coming, everyone. Bye. Hit that record button, Mike Stop recording.

Speaker 3:

Hang on, hang on, sync it up and we.

Speaker 2:

Don't look under the internet. Outro Music.

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