Don't Look Under the Internet

DLUTI 180 - 'Space In'stagram, Cave Reddit

Don't Look Under the Internet Season 1 Episode 180

This week, Mike punches a man over Kohl's cash, Jason makes home safety suggestions, Doug ponders a spider, and Matt gets upset about apostrophes.

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Don't Look Under The Internet
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Speaker 4:

Don't look under the internet to our comedy show internet podcast where we dive into horror, but it's never really scary because I'm here, mike, and I'm an idiot and I'm followed up with Matt.

Speaker 5:

I'm an idiot, but I answered it.

Speaker 4:

And there's Doug, yeah, and there's Jason hello everybody, you know. I'm on the topic, I've been thinking for a while. Maybe I should just get off the fucking podcast. I'll punch you if I see you in real life. You ever come up to me in the coals, Anyway. So Deluty housekeeping. The only housekeeping I got is punching that guy in the dick.

Speaker 2:

You do have one, I do yes, we just talked about you looking it up and then saying right, we did forget that.

Speaker 4:

Oh right, right, we did forget that. Oh right, right, we did forget that. So we don't have anyone new per se, but I do have some shout outs that I want to make. So we got a couple donations that I want to shout out here. First and foremost, we have one from stein kroll that says that's it, hi, from denmark. We try to give it an accent yes, what would be a denmark accent?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but I would go swedish hi from denmark I'm a single mom.

Speaker 4:

This makes it better. I'm a single mom and I use your podcast to unwind after a long day with my wonderful son, five years old, whoa.

Speaker 2:

No love y'all and hail satan.

Speaker 4:

I will sub to your patreon when I can afford it. Hashtag single mom life. Here's the thing. I know life's hard out there in what I assume is a fishing port in Denmark, because I don't really know what Denmark does. I assume it's just a giant island full of fish. No, the fish are not on the island. That's the whole point. So, boys, on this topic that I have today, I know I mentioned comments before on YouTube, but we're going to go into a different social media. For once, we're not talking about YouTube stuff. I know we talk about YouTube a lot, but this time we're going to take a little journey into the nether realms of places like Instagram and, uh, reddit, because I figured we'd cover a couple of Instagrams and then we're going to sprinkle in some uh, uh subreddits that the boys found as well, that are just fucking weird. I enjoy these episodes because, again, it's just crawling, it's just finding the obscurity in the internet. You know what?

Speaker 2:

I mean, I like seeing what piques everybody's interest.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Yes, we all enjoy these creepy weird internet topics and shit, but every week we all come to the table with something kind of wildly fucking different.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's more than just horror on the internet. There's also just what the fuck? The macabre, yes, so I guess who wants to start? Who wants to go first? Macabre, jason, yours are up first in the list. Do you want to go?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I actually I was going to ask, since we're doing these red school, um, I do, I have two volunteers. I'm gonna start calling on people oh shit, technically I, technically I have three that I could Do. You guys want to hear about Post-its or burglars?

Speaker 4:

Let's talk about burglars.

Speaker 2:

You want to hear about burglars. Let me go to that one.

Speaker 1:

If it's not about the Hamburglar, I'm out.

Speaker 2:

It's not about the Hamburglar. I don't know if his name is Ham, but he is a burglar. Doug has left the chat. Okay, cue aim blog off noise.

Speaker 1:

I, doug has left the chat. Okay, cue aim log off noise.

Speaker 5:

I'm enthralled by all three pixels of Mike and Jason right now oh god they look okay on my end maybe you

Speaker 4:

gotta get a better computer, mister, it turns off when we play a golf game together um, okay you're one to talk.

Speaker 5:

You're one to talk you're one to talk guy who uses computer that I build out of free shit that I dug out of my closet hey, you know what?

Speaker 4:

I'm never gonna turn up or pass down any free thing, even if it means a computer that functions. So thank you, it does everything I need it to do. I love you. Please don't ever take this away from me. You jug your fucking thermos of sprite what you got for us, homie?

Speaker 2:

um, weird. The one the story that came up was was about a guy who, uh, got his car stolen and then someone whoever was driving it died, and so his entire family thought that that guy died, but then he showed up. His own funeral is not what I am trying to infuse this podcast with right now this is going great. Well somebody else like to just take the reins.

Speaker 4:

Well, I fucking find I'll go you figure your shit out because you need the time. I was prepared for what we were supposed to be doing. Yeah, I know I goofed.

Speaker 2:

I apologize.

Speaker 4:

I'll go then. So I found two Instagram attacks.

Speaker 1:

Just so everyone's clear. Mike gave us a like he's been giving us topics, right. And then he gave us a topic and then, within like a day or two of today, he said you know what, never mind, we're going to do something else. And now everyone is probably just as confused as you listening are.

Speaker 4:

Okay, first off, I told you on Friday. Secondly, y'all didn't look shit up anyway, so I don't want to hear it. So I'm going to talk about two Instagram accounts today. I'm going to talk about one called Unknown Signal, catal. I'm going to talk about one called unknown signal catalog, and it's not just an Instagram account. You can find it on Spotify, you can find it on.

Speaker 4:

Basically, it's kind of like a little podcast series of its own, but you can find it anywhere else. But you can. Basically how it starts off there's a lot going on. They have about roughly three seasons. It ends up being about 50 ish uh little videos. They're all about two minutes long. I didn't go through all of them because, a I didn't have the time and B you get the pretty general gist of what's going on. Um, especially when you go to the Instagram, uh, they literally tell you. If you just look at the pinned uh videos that they have on there, you get the gist of what's going on. You can catch up pretty quick. But basically what this guy is is it starts off with this signal that is found transmitting from outer space. Where from we don't know, but it's a very weird Outer Spocci.

Speaker 4:

Outer Spocci Dr.

Speaker 2:

Spocci-man. There's Outer Spocci. There's Ga Spotsy, there's Gaspotsy yeah.

Speaker 3:

Two hours from.

Speaker 2:

Dito All the.

Speaker 4:

Spotsys are there. Yeah, I like.

Speaker 1:

Outer Spots better.

Speaker 4:

It's a signal that's like a bunch of it's like you know that stereotypical space sound. Yeah, I do yeah.

Speaker 2:

Every time I go to space.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and so it starts off with that and then, slowly, over the course of time, uh, the voice starts coming through on these signals. And all these signals are being basically found and recorded by a college. They don't specifically say what college, um, but that is who is basically posting these recordings. After a while, you start to get more and more little chunks of voices until finally you hear college, but that is who is basically posting these recordings. After a while, you start to get more and more little chunks of voices until finally you hear hello, people of the universe. And you hear about this man named Icarus who basically woke up on a space station far into the cosmos, has no memory of what's going on and is just trying to get in contact with anybody.

Speaker 4:

That's fucking cool yeah, so as it goes on, it acres?

Speaker 5:

was the the guy who flew too close to the sun, right?

Speaker 4:

wax wings wowie.

Speaker 4:

Look at that, wow zowie so, as you go on throughout this, icarus gives you updates as to what's going on with him, um some things that are going on in space around him. He mentions at one point that he has a full-blown breakdown at one point, because he's like I'm not sure if anyone's listening to these. It's kind of maddening being out here in space, oh, isolation. Yeah, he's like it sucks being out here. Eventually he gets in contact with another person whose name I forgot, but they're not really integral to the story, and they kind of send like um messages back and forth to each other. Yeah, this person sends music to icarus and icarus sends music back. And then, slowly but surely, music kind of becomes a big part of this. And as you progress through this instagram page, you kind of find out it isn't a, it is an advertisement for a band named icarus the cosmonaut. Um band is pretty. Yeah, it's pretty fun. You kind of get a hold of that pretty early on, yeah, especially because during some of the transmissions in the descriptions on instagram they're like transmission from icarus, song title by icarus the cosmonaut, and I'm like all right, yeah, so it does. It is kind of a in the advertisement for the band, but it's still very fun.

Speaker 4:

Um, it is just this, this space story. Now, unfortunately, they haven't uploaded in a couple months. The last uh upload was november of 2024. Um is icarus okay, yeah, it's still icarus and the other person. They're still in contact with each other, talking to each other. Icarus is learning. He still doesn't know what's going on in his life. He has vague memories of other crewmates, but he doesn't really have any recollection of who they were, what they were doing. Oh nice, yeah, he just knows. Basically, um, he's on space for a purpose and he doesn't know what that purpose is yet.

Speaker 5:

Um, he makes a fun joke at one point at the sun and see what happens yeah, that'd be kind of fun.

Speaker 4:

He makes a fun joke at one point where he's like um oh, I, I got in contact with some college on earth, so that's fun, but I hear whisperings of who's really in control of earth. They mentioned something of a president and this all-knowing entity they call the fcc. So if you're listening, fcc, please, for the love of god, save me. I will do anything for you.

Speaker 3:

He's like I'll become an advocate for whatever.

Speaker 4:

Yeah he's like I'll become an advocate for whatever you want. I'm in no position to say otherwise. Please just save me from space. Get me the fuck out of here. It's just kind of fun.

Speaker 2:

Ever since I watched Gravity being alone in space, slowly floating away from anything whatsoever has got to be the most dreadful, sinking, terrifying feeling ever.

Speaker 5:

I always wondered how far you would really get into that before some radiation just zaps you.

Speaker 2:

Just killed you.

Speaker 4:

That's a known signal catalog. It's a fun little thing. Again, everything's two minutes long. There's like 50 episodes. I just thought it was kind of interesting, especially because when you're on Instagram turns out there's not a whole lot of like mysterious and fun instagram accounts that are like like how you just stumble across a weird website or like a weird subreddit. There's not really much of that. It's when you get into the weird instagram, it's more or less this guy's pretending to be a kid and it's like oh, I feel like instagram is so vastly unmoderated that you can just like find some weird shit I think there's just too much content to moderate.

Speaker 1:

That's yeah, right, yeah I, I don't know like tiktok, I guess that's like one of the big reasons I don't like watch reels on instagram is because I'll get on there for like two seconds and then it'll be like you want to watch this guy get shot in the head and I'm like not really but, I guess we're going to Not again. No, thank you.

Speaker 4:

So my next Instagram account is Archive In Between. You can find it on Instagram, you can find it on Facebook all that kind of shit. They got a website as well that you can go to if you want. But the interesting about the archive in between is it is basically a website slash Instagram page dedicated to archiving stories and like traditions and like mythology from across different universes story on this entire Instagram page and there are a lot of um a lot of like stories or reels on this Instagram page and none of them are really curious. So if you can click on any random one and it'll pull up just a random story, they're all separate Um a couple that I found that I found interesting I think it's like the fourth or fifth one, but it has to do with a spaceship that comes in to this planet that's similar to earth and it's shaped like kind of like a dodecahedron and it comes on earth.

Speaker 4:

The minute it does, the specimen that's inside just dies. It just dies almost immediately and great um, they're doing like experience to see what it is and the specimen that was inside this ship controlling it was just this like cube of meat. They're like there's no like sign of like organs or like higher brain function. It's just a fucking cube of meat, but it shares similar attributes to humans, like it's got dna, it's got rna, things like that. Um, but they're like we don't know how this thing, being as basic as it is, basically, yeah, it's a companion cube, yeah, portal, yeah, um, they're like we don't know how, this thing being as basic as it is basically yeah, it's a companion cube.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they're like. We don't know how this thing, this just cube of meat that essentially has the same brain function as a jellyfish, was able to fly this spaceship across universes. It doesn't make any sense, and this whole mini story is about these scientists doing these experiments on this flesh cube to see what the fuck is going on with it.

Speaker 4:

There's other stories on here, one that is how do you kill a god? Gods have a lot to do with these multiple universes. Again, each of these represent a different universe. None of them are entangled, so you can click on any random one. But a common theme between a bunch of universes are gods, and in one of these stories it says how do you kill a god? Literally says find a god that you want to kill, you find its enemy and you bargain with the enemy, saying hey, if you kill this god, I'll make it worth your wild. And they go kill the god and then you just do whatever that guy needs foolproof, yeah and uh, you just rinse. Repeat, right, um. There's other ones where it goes through, like the different types of gods, how there's, like um, false gods, which are like, um, things that acquire godlike power but aren't like naturally born gods. They're like humans that have killed a god and like consumed part of their flesh to gain some power. So they go into some really interesting concepts, which I like.

Speaker 4:

The only little thing I do not like about this site is it is very heavy. Everything on it is some form of AI, like the audio that's used is AI, the visuals is AI, so I kind of don't really appreciate that. But I'm willing to give it a small pass because it doesn't look like they're a big, big creator. It doesn't look like they generate that much revenue off of these. So I'm okay with that a little bit. Sometimes you got to. You know you got to do what you got to do to make your, your story. If that means using AI when you're a small creator and you don't have the funds to make shit, yeah. Or the artistic talent yeah, you got to do what you got to do sometimes. I'm not advocating AI usage, like if fucking Kim Kardashian was like I'm an artist, now I'm making AI art. I hope someone just bankrupts her somehow.

Speaker 2:

I'm shocked that more people aren't like high fucking profile celebrities aren't just using AI, because there are so many people who aren't celebrities.

Speaker 4:

What was it? Nfts yeah, that was a big thing for a while. Paris hilton's like look at my ape.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's fucking the ape, but there's so many people out there that just claim that they're making art and sell it for like 50 bucks. I feel like if kim kardashian claimed to be an artist, she could probably sell ai art for a lot of money. I'm not saying for her to start doing that. I think that'd be terrible, but that's like a way.

Speaker 5:

That's where people will like run websites where they claim to be like a design firm and oh yeah them like 200 bucks and they just like make some ai bullshit.

Speaker 4:

It takes them 10 seconds it's really bad, but that's archive in between. Like I said, it's it's the. I like the stories. The stories are very interesting. I would love if it was a bit more cohesive because, again, every real is its own thing, it's its own story from a different universe. None of them really have anything to do with each other, so you can just click on any random one and it's it's something new, which is very cool. I like that. It's kind of like an anthology, but I would like a bit more of like a give me like a 10 part or just cohesive story of something that's going on in that world Cause they explore.

Speaker 1:

Can we get a cohesive counter going for how many times?

Speaker 4:

they explore dozens of universes but do nothing with them.

Speaker 2:

Show me something, it's just like a glimpse into it, which again fan-fucking-tastic.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, you can only show so many fingers.

Speaker 1:

Put a toe up there, Matt.

Speaker 4:

Show feet live.

Speaker 2:

He's going on wiki feet right after this episode.

Speaker 4:

Twitch is gonna ban us, son. What are you doing? I?

Speaker 1:

don't think peter and the tos no, just I fucking love archive in between it's.

Speaker 2:

It's super interesting. I wanted to talk about the uh, the machine that bleeds. Yeah, if you like something that's like half from the warhammer universe and half from the fucking hellraiser universe, go check that story out. It's super cool.

Speaker 4:

Um, the feet that bleed the feet that bleed, the feet that bleed, matt, the feet that bleed. Anyway, that's all I really have. Consider you two boys have Reddits and Matt, I saw, had an Instagram post. I'm going to let Matt go next to keep the coercion.

Speaker 5:

I got a gram gram Cohesion, cohesion.

Speaker 3:

That's an important distinction my gram gram is.

Speaker 5:

you know, honestly, there's not a whole lot to it, but um, I don't know if I can get have is called Breadface and Breadface is it's fetish content. 100%, this is fetish content. What you're gonna find on Breadface is an Asian woman just slamming her face into various types of bread. We got donuts. We got pita bread we got loaves of bread, just full-on loaves of bread. There's other weird shit in here, like her just turning on this fashion show rotating thing. Yeah, in this bodysuit.

Speaker 4:

Cash for Palestine.

Speaker 5:

Here's a cake that she smashes her face into, a cake that's shaped like a shoe cake bread is cake with bread yeah sure, I don't see why not. It's just bread with a bunch of sugar in it, right?

Speaker 2:

and I guess bread already has sugar in it just bread with more sugar in it. Cake and butter are the same thing um.

Speaker 5:

I'm not gonna show any more of this because some of this edges on not safe for work, but the reason that I know that it's fetish content and I don't I know that it's fetish

Speaker 5:

content and I don't just it's because I personally jacked off to it is because this unawakened something in me no, it's because if you go to the link, tree at the top of the instagram page there is a link to the only fans and you can watch this woman shove her face into bread in the nude you think she? Puts bread in herself, a baguette. Oh, we should pay the 15 bucks and find out. I strongly considered paying the 15 bucks to look at it and I got so far as getting halfway through the checkout process and I don't remember, some minor inconvenience happened and I was like, alright, it's not worth it.

Speaker 4:

No more bread no more bread, no more bread breadish oh breadish, um so bread, yeah.

Speaker 5:

If your particular fetish happens to be skinny Asian women planning their face into leavened uh bait goods, then this is the answer for you.

Speaker 4:

That just pisses me off, man. See, this is the Instagram. See that just for you. That just pisses me off, man. How come I was born so unlucky where I can't just make thousands of dollars a month slamming my face in some fucking bread.

Speaker 2:

You know how you might be able to have you tried.

Speaker 1:

You gotta stop, Mike.

Speaker 4:

I just want an easy life. I just want to easy life. I just want to shove my face in bread and some pervert online be like her $15. Have you tried it?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, have you tried it?

Speaker 2:

You got a twink bod.

Speaker 5:

You got something somebody's looking for.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure of it? Someone out there is looking for a ginger smashing his face into bread.

Speaker 2:

It might just be you taking individual corn kernels and putting them in your toes.

Speaker 5:

I bet if you wore a skirt and did it. There's something there there's somebody out there, that would pay for that.

Speaker 1:

All you got to do is just I don't know shave your legs and feet, paint your toenails and just pass it off. You know? No, no, no, no, no, no shove your feet into the bread.

Speaker 5:

There you go this girl's shoes on bread face. You need to corner the market on bread feet, oh you can just fuck bread Mike, yeah just stick your whole dick in there

Speaker 4:

there's no losing with that proposition even if nobody buys it or pays for it, you still fuck you still fuck bread it started off so detailed, like it started off so detailed. It started off so detailed. You gotta shave your legs, wear a skirt, paint your nails and just delve to, or just fuck, the bread.

Speaker 2:

Just fuck the bread. Just fuck it, dude, you would make money. You want an easy life. What do you do for a living? I'm the rye guy. I fuck bread for 28 minutes a day. I'm the rye guy. I fuck bread for 28 minutes a day. I'm the rye guy.

Speaker 4:

That's it. Yeah, the rye guy, I'm Breichel.

Speaker 2:

Breichel, what the fuck.

Speaker 5:

Is that?

Speaker 2:

everything for bread face.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's all the bread face I got. Here's one where she's like shoving her face into like some sort of pastry here, then underneath that she's just washing celery.

Speaker 3:

It's healthy.

Speaker 5:

There's something for the vegans. Oh, never mind. She's got the feet covered too. Sorry, Mike.

Speaker 2:

Oh shit, that was your access to an easy life, and it was just ripped away from you, mike.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's a low market, so you can kind of, I can still fuck the bread.

Speaker 4:

I'm not out yet you don't need to film it.

Speaker 2:

You can still do that, if that's something you're interested in.

Speaker 5:

You can just go have a good time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's true. You may get asked to leave Jewel, but that wouldn't be the first time.

Speaker 5:

Do you want me to go into my Reddits?

Speaker 4:

or do we want to pass it back to somebody? No, go your reddits, you're here talking I'm here, I'm talking.

Speaker 5:

I don't want to be um, so my first reddit is called our girls aren't real. Now, maybe you've heard of birds aren't real, but this um is just that, but it's women instead. So the entire premise of this subreddit is that women don't actually exist and that anything that looks like a woman is actually just a robot sent to spy on people.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, if I learned anything from Andrew Tate, it's that if you like women, women like men, and if you like women, that means you like men, that means you're gay dude. I just need to.

Speaker 1:

More timing, but perfect timing.

Speaker 2:

It was the quickest I could get it done.

Speaker 5:

My favorite thing about this subreddit is all the trans people asking what this means for them.

Speaker 4:

Like one person was like I'm gender fluid.

Speaker 5:

Does that mean that I'm constantly phasing in and out of existence? Someone's having an existential crisis.

Speaker 3:

What's supposed to?

Speaker 5:

be here Continental crisis Am.

Speaker 1:

I supposed to be here, the one person asked.

Speaker 5:

I can't find it now, but one person asked the question that everybody's actually wondering, which is like oh, here it is. Is this actually legitimately a subreddit? And they got some pretty good answers, which are the top one is well, it all comes down to personal beliefs. Is Santa real? Some say yes, down to personal beliefs.

Speaker 1:

Is Santa real? Some say yes, some say no. Is Mexico real?

Speaker 5:

Some think the amigos you see on the streets are just paid Hollywood actors. Are aliens real. Some say they built the pyramids. Are girls real? Some say they are and others have never seen nor touched one. Choose between the blue wheel and the red pill, bro.

Speaker 2:

The sub can only help you this far. Um, at least they're honest, at least they allow you the freedom to think for yourself after a certain point it's.

Speaker 5:

This is a remarkably active subreddit, so you know if you have questions. This goes back to actually when I was a kid. I recently found out that I was not alone in this experience, but when I was a very young child, I thought that women had special abilities, like I thought that women could just like read my mind oh yeah maybe I've mentioned this before on like a bonus or something, but I straight up thought that, just like every woman had the ability to read my mind and it was part of it was just because like I was.

Speaker 5:

It was probably some sort of like mental illness, but it was also like my mom knew things that I was trying to hide somehow yeah, and obviously.

Speaker 5:

Now I just realized that it's because I was an idiot kid and terrible at hiding things, um, but, and I guess that's probably why this is a shared experience, because I ran across somebody on reddit who said the same thing. They were like I used to think that my mom could read my mind I was like holy shit yeah and then I found this subreddit can we meet for coffee? This is all in the last couple days and then I ended up on girls Aren't Real so it goes deeper.

Speaker 4:

See, I think moms are just that intelligent where they're not reading your mind.

Speaker 2:

A, moms are that intelligent and B like you said, pick up on the obvious fucking clues you're dropping.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Because when you're like 10 years old, you can't lie to save your life.

Speaker 4:

No, I remember. I know I didn't get away with it, but I don't know how both. Either I didn't get away with it but I don't know how both. Either I don't know if my mom found out or the teacher never said anything. And mom, you're listening, You're about to find out something about what the fifth grade was doing. Shock, no, this is like third or fourth grade. I failed like a test no-transcript, and so I brought it home and I signed my mother's name as best as a like nine year old could sign his mother's name, and I didn't sign my mother's whole name like my mom does?

Speaker 3:

I just wrote J and I tried.

Speaker 4:

I just learned curs wrote J and I tried. I just learned cursive that year, so I tried my best cursive and it definitely looked like a nine-year-old who just learned cursive that year.

Speaker 4:

So when I gave it to the teacher, I was like she's never going to buy that this is my mother's signature. So I got to think of a plan and so I went up to her and I was like, hey, my mother works the night shift. She was very tired when she signed this. That's why the signature looks bad. And the teacher looked at me and went like, okay, and as a nine-year-old I'm like ha ha.

Speaker 2:

Got away with it.

Speaker 1:

You fucking fool, I tricked you Did, you say that unprompted Meanwhile, meanwhile they didn't even say anything about it, you were just like oh, by the way, yeah, by yet unprompted.

Speaker 4:

I was just like. By the way, mother was super tired when she signed this because I was like I got to back myself, I got, I got to you.

Speaker 5:

I got to lay the building blocks. You gave. That's the number one rule in lying Don't give information you're not asked for, and I did anyway, because I was nine and didn't know that give information you're not asked for.

Speaker 4:

And I did anyway, cause I was nine and didn't know that. So either two things happened. One, the teacher was like oh, this poor, stupid kid, I'm just going to let him have this one or two. Call my mother. My mother never said anything, mom, let me know if she, the teacher, ever said anything to you. Stupid here, stupid in real life.

Speaker 5:

Heard heard it from the lady herself she never knew and then the last subreddit I've got is something that just is personal for me. It's R apostrophe gore. This is a. If you've listened to the show before, you know that this is a personal pet peeve of mine and people. How did you all graduate like middle school? Every time, every fucking time, I go on reddit, somebody is using misusing an apostrophe people.

Speaker 4:

Just take the five fucking minutes that it will take you to learn the difference between like it's and also how to make things possessive and plural because were you born in the 90s is oh my god, that's, that's that's.

Speaker 5:

That's my biggest one and that's where I'm going with this this is how to make things plural.

Speaker 5:

Learn how to make things plural. For one, when you, when you take I, there are people in my neighborhood who have these fucking rocks in their front, fucking lawns that have, like their last name on them, and it's like, oh, the Browns live here and it'll say like Browns, but it'll say like browns, but it'll be like browns, apostrophe s. What brown is that? Or is this brown? What is brown? This brock, this rock, belongs to brown. Maybe I don't know like and who's printing these fucking signs, but the one that bothers me the most the one that bothers me the most is the one that Mike just brought up, which is abbreviating decades.

Speaker 5:

The apostrophe goes where the first two fucking numbers in the year were supposed to go. If it is 1990, it is abbreviated apostrophe. Nine zero, not nine zero apostrophe. And a decade that is like the 90s is not nine zero apostrophe. And a decade that is like the 90s is not 90 apostrophe s. That would be like 90 owns or 90 is no. The fucking apostrophe in any of these situations goes where you're taking the letters or numbers out of the fucking word. You, fucking morons, go back to fucking grade school, god damn it I am so fucking tired of reading this shit we'll put the.

Speaker 1:

Uh, we'll put our. It looks out for grammarly in the uh episode description. So to that point, if you want to be as infuriated as I am.

Speaker 5:

You can go to our apostrophe gore and just see countless fucking examples of people doing this at their places of business oh, the two that I saw.

Speaker 2:

That was up on the screen like I looked at. I'm like I can never go to this website sofa is chair is I would just be so fucking angry.

Speaker 5:

I have seen the fucking decades abbreviated like that, on like t-shirts at like, like fucking, like in the mall, like big retailers they don't give a shit.

Speaker 2:

America is not known for its education system wow, that's it.

Speaker 5:

That's all I got okay, well.

Speaker 4:

Matt now that your turns up and that's turns apostrophe s my turn is up wow, yeah, honestly, I knew you had a lot of hatred towards that, didn't know it would I? Honestly, now that you come up there next time you come up, I think I know what we're gonna do for a little bit of fun. It's gonna be are we just can. I piss these two off somehow, and I think I know how I could do it with you yeah, I think you've got a solid way to just making matt very angry.

Speaker 2:

I'm just gonna hold a card with incorrect grammar on it. It says 90s, apostrophe S.

Speaker 5:

Gary, do you have a wedding invitation that says Alan is or something?

Speaker 4:

The Alan's is wedding, I'll find one for you. I got you. Jason. How do you feel about redemption?

Speaker 2:

I have the thing we're not going to talk about depressing shit. I think, think I hope no this one. So I also turned to reddit, and it's simply because I just don't fucking have Instagram.

Speaker 4:

So I can't look at anything on there. The ironic thing is, when I was asking for topic ideas, you recommended archive in between, and now you're like I don't got instagram I was down to do it, but as soon as we changed the topic I was like oh okay, I won't even try.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what are you gonna do? Right, I would love to cover more of it.

Speaker 2:

Maybe one of those like random ass, like find something here and just talk about it awesome, perfect, um, but no, instead of being a good little researcher, I decided to just say fuck it and do my own thing. And so I found I found a collection of like super infamous reddit posts throughout the years and I looked through a bunch of them and I added a couple to the list, but the one of the ones that stood out to me was it goes over the expression party like it's 1999 with an apostrophe yep without 1999.

Speaker 2:

With an apostrophe Yep Without the S. Just an apostrophe, no S. So there was a Redditor, and so they live in England and they say they went to a flat party in 1999. And someone threw a cigarette in their beer Fucking rude. I accidentally drank it and felt like I may have to barf. Both toilets are currently being taken up, so I run one floor down outside the building, barf my ass off in the garden on the left. When I come around I see the neighbor's window open my neighbor who I know is at my party and is living alone and someone has opened the window and entered. I go near the window carefully and see some bloke with a travel bag picking off valuables like dreamcast, some electrical stuff Again, if this does not date when, when this story is coming from that did so.

Speaker 2:

This person runs back to their flat party and tells everybody that there's a burglar next door. People call the police but they they're drunk, so like waiting, what's the number for nine one one. They get ahold of them, they call them and then now they're just waiting for them to show up. Now you guys know that a minute when you're drunk seems like a half hour Sometimes, where you're just like impatient. And so this fucking flat full of drunk people decide do you know what? We're going to gather a bunch of supplies and we're all going to head next door. We're going to see what's going on. They start grabbing like broom handles. Some guy gets like a bunch of trash bags and I don't really know what his plan is, but he's got them. Someone grabs a fire extinguisher and just a bunch of random shit. That's at this party. They all run across to the current like the active burglary in progress next door.

Speaker 2:

Now I would love to imagine what the burglar turned around and saw when, like, he heard the noise of all these people showing up to the window, because you have a solid like 20 drunk ass people carrying random household items and they might look. Some of them are probably laughing, but most of them are probably shouting. The guy freaks the fuck out, panics, tries to leave through the same window, which in my book, that's mistake number one. Always make a new exit. You always have two exits, especially one that's not barricaded by a bunch of drunk assholes.

Speaker 2:

So he tries to get out the window window, but two drunk people end up grabbing him and literally just going limp on top of him, just falling the fuck down and pinning him. He's freaking out. Um, they start like prodding him with like the broom handles. One guy just starts like beating him and apparently missing wildly the whole time. They don't think the guy got like a single bruise on him. And again, they're still waiting for the police, still waiting for the police. One of my favorite parts is the exclamation of then duct tape guy arrives, duct tape guy. So a guy apparently brought up this huge roll of duct tape.

Speaker 3:

Just like swinging it. Yeah, like he was all gung ho about it.

Speaker 2:

And so they put the guy down and they got this brilliant idea that, hey, we should wrap this guy up and make him look like a present. And so they grab trash bag. Guy gets involved, uh, duct tape. Guy brings his tape out and they tie a bow on his head and he's like still in shock. He's like can just let me go? Let me go, please just let me go. If I were in that man's position, I would also probably be terrified because a bunch of drunk people just caught me breaking and entering. I don't know how kind they're going to be. And they made you a gift and they turned me into a present. I don't know what the present is supposed to be, but I don't really want to find out. So they keep wrapping him up. They find more tape and they like they make it so this guy is not going fucking anywhere. Absolutely impossible for this man to escape. And so they start chanting, they start cheering um, a guy like runs off to the supermarket to go get more alcohol for them.

Speaker 2:

While they're doing all of this, and like as he comes back, the police show up, and so he's like handing beers out to a bunch of randos. And the police see this guy, like dressed up like a garbage bag Christmas present, sitting outside this man's open window with a bunch of drunk fuckers just chanting. And so, apparently, the cops pull up and, as they do, someone gets the idea to take rope and tie him to a streetlight. Yeah, it's going to be Spider-Man. Well then they realize he looks like a pinata, and so they started hitting him with broom handles Nice, not like super hard or anything, according to any of the reports.

Speaker 4:

As the cops show up, as the cops are showing up?

Speaker 2:

yes, and when they showed up, they got like a huge cheer and everyone was like trying to get them to drink beer with them and there's just like this party going on.

Speaker 1:

So this is the part in stories where, when everybody cheers, it's fake. The story's fake to me. Oh I 100 cheers.

Speaker 2:

So police show up and they try to act serious and that's just not fucking happening. Because they showed up to a place where about 20 drunk assholes have a man dressed up like a piñata, strung up from a fucking streetlight, and are hitting with broom handles, and the police aren't really sure which side is the perpetrator at this point. Um, so they get more information, um, and this is where the memory of op or whoever is telling the story, gets a little fuzzy, but uh, they do say. The one thing that you remember is they had to. They had to explain to the police why the man had been turned into a quote unquote human caterpillar and apparently all the cops were like choking down laughter as they were arresting that like this guy because very clearly he had burgled and these people were just babysitting. Until the cops got there, they all left. Um, I'm sorry they, the cops, left with the guy, but the in order to get them him down. Apparently there was this big greek guy named peter, who isn't a good greek name.

Speaker 2:

It's a very good greek name cut the rope down. Guy hits the floor and apparently this man walked to this guy to the police station over his shoulder like a roll of carpet but the cops couldn't take him. I have. That's the part of the story I don't have any idea.

Speaker 4:

Cops show up, laugh and they're like all right, well, you got it under control. Yeah, take them down to the precinct for us yeah, but this is literally.

Speaker 2:

This is a story that is just full of bat shittery, like how many things have to go exactly correctly for all of these things to have happened with no casualties whatsoever, nobody was harmed, nobody was bleeding, nobody fucking died.

Speaker 4:

No like drunken disorderly no drunken, disorderly.

Speaker 2:

The only arrest that was made was the guy that was breaking the apartment, which like, yeah, that in my book, that makes sense to me, but all the fucking shenanigans around it like nothing like you. No reports about a group, a mob a mob mob beating a man with broomsticks.

Speaker 4:

Nothing there, okay, all right, hey, honey, what's going on across the street? They're tying a guy to the street. Don't go outside, sharon.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no. I just want to see where this goes. Come on.

Speaker 4:

You better believe, everyone in that neighborhood was like looking out their window, like going on.

Speaker 2:

Oh 100%.

Speaker 1:

Are we okay with this, yeah we are Okay.

Speaker 2:

Are we okay with this? Are we okay with this? Yeah, we are. Are we okay with this? But that is the hilarious story that I found that I figured I'd share with you all. I know you guys had something a little bit weirder, but this is one of those fun little instances on the internet where coincidence and alcohol meet to give us a very fucking entertaining story.

Speaker 1:

To be fair, I also went silly instead of creepy.

Speaker 4:

Your next one is interesting. I love my next one.

Speaker 2:

I can do that now, or I can let doug go. Oh, do you have more than one?

Speaker 1:

uh, I, I have. I have three, but it won't take me long. They're not stories, it's just fun subreddits I found so yeah, I'll do.

Speaker 2:

I'll do my last one last, then I I'll let you. Yours is pretty good it is. I love my other one, it's so funny.

Speaker 1:

All right. So I wanted to find some creepy shit and as I was looking for creepy shit, I came across some funny shit and I couldn't not share it with people because this is the first time I've seen these, and holy shit. One of my favorite subreddits is now. Have has now come out of this um. So uh, the first one I have, which I think is just real silly. Uh is called uh, it's r slash. Have we met? Um? And literally what this is is. It is a community where everybody pretends and comments like they know each other, like they're all from the same town, and they just talk about random shit.

Speaker 4:

I like illegal chicken racing. That's a fun one.

Speaker 5:

Well, you have to like, have like. This is 100% not what I thought this was going to be.

Speaker 1:

So literally it's just like you make up your own like persona and shit, and then everybody just makes weird posts. So it's like has anyone seen Dave in town lately? Things are abnormally, abnormally peaceful.

Speaker 5:

So this is basically just like those role playing servers in Gary's mod, the subreddit.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, oh, I was going to say this this is a Facebook community, but fictional oh yeah, oh, I was gonna say this.

Speaker 1:

This is a facebook community, but fictional. But if you like, look at, like the people who are commenting. It has like their persona in it. So like this one says uh, like they commented, you know, I think dave's uh taking some time for himself. I saw him at the grocery store and he didn't even like uh enter the alcohol section as far as I could tell. But like this person's persona is gail carrera and it says they're an amputee and a tiny home builder like it's the most like. But it's just so, it's just so strange. Like I was just like reading through a bunch of stuff and it's like you know, everybody just does a really good job at just talking about shit and being like on this like wavelength where every like they're just you know is there a name?

Speaker 4:

imaginary place Is there a name for the town.

Speaker 1:

No, they just never specifically say where they are, like that's like one of the rules that's even better. There's no specific, it's just they all are in the same place and they all know each other.

Speaker 4:

They all are in the same place and they all know each other. Have you noticed yet, if they, if anyone, goes like super wild where they're like anyone? See that ufo in the sky last night?

Speaker 1:

well, I think so. I think in the rules, if you like read through, like how you're supposed to do this. A, there's like a big discord for this specific reddit, um subreddit, but basically the current mayor is crystal and she's got a very voluptuous uh voluptuous.

Speaker 1:

I didn't even actually ever see that that's funny, um, but like there's like rules for like what you can talk about and like how you can act and shit I guess. So like, if you you have to like look at like the weekly posts and like I think it it like sets up the week's um like worth of posting, if that makes sense. So like I'm sure you could be like hey, I saw that UFO again over my house and people will comment and be like oh yeah, yeah, it's like every Tuesday it comes into town or like you know, like they'll just be like doing weird shit like that. But, um, I thought it was really weird. This is kind of fucking hilarious.

Speaker 5:

It's all fun and games until you make a really thought, a post you put a lot of thought into, and then somebody shows up at the comments and just goes freeze.

Speaker 1:

Michael Scarn, you're under arrest, fool, that was more of a fucking Randy Marsh, but yeah. So that's the first subreddit I have. I thought it was fun. It's going to give me hours of enjoyment later on in my life. The second one I have is r slash, fifth world problems. Oh God, yes, I haven't heard that one. This one is interesting, so just for example. I don't really know how to describe this, other than all of the posts are just problems Doug.

Speaker 1:

So, uh, okay. So for example, this post it says my green started speaking in blue and summoned a giant ultraviolet cat, dog hybrid right above my future memories. What can I do about that?

Speaker 1:

And someone posted the most logical thing to do is simply accept the creature. Every cat, dog hybrid needs a loving forever home. Uh, lest the navy blue finds them and we wouldn't want that, would we? And then, um, and then, uh, what, where was this? Pretty good, oh yeah. Uh, it says you should tell your green to try again, because it sounds like fun. Um, did you perform quantum dialysis on it? And they said yes, but I. It became time itself.

Speaker 2:

It's like you may or may not have kidney failure I think you both do and do not. Well, that's in the future yeah you.

Speaker 5:

You don't know if your kidneys have failed until you perform dialysis you look at yeah exactly this.

Speaker 1:

One says got microwaved by my sandwich. So I don't know how else to put this, but my friend John pranked me and put a neutron star in my sandwich. When I checked to make sure the tomatoes were cut just right, I was blasted with well over 10 to the 20th degree J of pure microwave radiation upon one. So can I recover from this and what's a good? Counter-strike yes, you'll be fine uh are you? A microwave safe vessel was one of the comments are you a microwave safe vessel?

Speaker 1:

you'll be all right. I'm sure you won't develop walking ghost syndrome, jesus. Christ, I'm not sure about recovery, but the counter, the rules.

Speaker 5:

Use your real words and sentences. Burn down your neighbor's house. No references to reddit, memes or pop culture. Burn down your neighbor's house. Be original. Burn down your neighbor's house he knows so rule 7 is just he knows, he knows. So rule 7 is just he knows, he knows yeah, I was reading this for a while.

Speaker 1:

It's very fucking good.

Speaker 2:

That's fantastic fifth world gone wild is another one where they try to make like entities from the fifth world, posing in a seductive manner. However, none of our brains can comprehend what the fuck that looks like. It's just masturbating to the weird shit that AI comes up with with extra lens, more or less Fractals that turn into one of those pictures that you have to focus in the center of, and it turns out to be another fractal. That's just all it is.

Speaker 4:

This does it for me. It's so horny, that's another fetish site.

Speaker 1:

I'm yeah, I'm about to edge um, but yeah, no, so that that's fifth world problems. You can I mean just from those couple posts like you kind of get an idea of what you're looking at. It's just everything is backwards and not right and just yeah, it's, it's pretty good I'm sorry.

Speaker 4:

Alpha post, that's incredible. Alpha post it. So it's like the sub, where they post the same garfield comic every day and everyone pretends it's the first time they've seen. It. R slash dementia, that's a good one, oh that's, that's funny.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's fantastic, there's. There's another one called it's our al's Um, it's very similar to that I. I almost did that one, but I was like, ah, that's kind of sad.

Speaker 5:

There's one that's just empty. Oh, our Amish.

Speaker 4:

Uh yeah.

Speaker 5:

Um, yeah, oh, my God.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that that's. That's hilarious, that's quality comedy right there. Okay, so my last subreddit, probably my favorite subreddit I've ever found, because this is just too funny, but it's rtalesfrom cave support and holy shit, it is stupid.

Speaker 4:

White stick better than stick stick, white stick better than stick stick.

Speaker 1:

I jugan. I kill mammoth. See white stick better than stick stick. Yeah, white stick better than stick stick. I jugant. I kill mammoth. See white stick. Big white stick. Pull out of mammoth Heavy bunga. Jugant can say stick stick better, can't find anywhere. Jugant think mammoth white stick better. Stick stick only good for spear, not bunga. And I shit you not. Every post is just just like that and it's just, I think, cave people asking for help tech support.

Speaker 4:

I'm literally gonna follow this right now it is.

Speaker 1:

It is seriously so funny. Donka, no good at stone game, fire bad.

Speaker 4:

What is it? People support or cave support? Tales from cave support.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, hit the top from all the time. That's good. Oh man oh this is long.

Speaker 3:

That is fantastic Me thog. Thog live in cave with tribe. Thog go hunting find other tribe. Other tribe live in funny piles of grass. That is fantastic things. Thog have many spears offered to trade. Hutmakers laugh. Say Thog spears not as good as Hutmakers. Spears Thog offer knife. Hutmakers say Thog knife not as good as theirs. Laugh at Thog Call Thog stupid. Thog get mad Hit Hutmakers with stick. Run away On way home. Thog get idea. Thog show Hutmakers who's stupid. Thog get back to cave, find friend Ugg. Tell Ugg what happened. Say have idea, get hide. Get hide Lay on ground. Thog and Ugg make butt mud on hide.

Speaker 4:

Make butt mud for one and one and one and one days and tell pig chief get mad.

Speaker 3:

Say hide smell like butt mug May Thog and Ugg get rid of. When dark Thog and Ugg take hide Roll up with butt mud inside. No-transcript. Thog not see many hut makers, very little smoke from cook fires. Thog come back next day no smoke, no hut makers. Thog go look inside huts Big mess, butt mud and upchuck everywhere. Huts smell worse than butt mud. Hide All hut makers laying on ground covered in upchuck butt mud. Thog hit hut makers on head with club. Take some of hut makers stuff and no have butt mud or upchuck on it. Go home to cave. Thog do this three times. Then run out of clean stuff to bring home. So Thog sets huts on fire. Go home. Tell tribe not to drink from hut makers water hole because it make them all sick and die. Anyway, thog question Next day thog see big hairy spider in cave. When thog wake up, what do I love it that was a giant waste of time.

Speaker 2:

What do Anyway?

Speaker 3:

no, that's all out of the way. What do I do about spiders?

Speaker 1:

yep, that's classic, I don't know. I found some good reddit and I was like these need to be shared with the world, so that's where I went this week.

Speaker 4:

I appreciate that you have one more. I do have one more. I don't know if I get top cave support now, I'm not going to lie. You have a lot of your supports. That's pretty fucking great.

Speaker 2:

The last one I had is this is another one of the infamous Reddit stories and, as a Okay Okay Butt knife In about 2016, there was a writer named rbradbury1920 posted to rslashlegaladvice with a question, and this was the question. On the 15th of April, I found a yellow post-it note in handwriting that wasn't mine on my desk, reminding me of some errands I had to do but told literally nobody about. While odd I chucked it up to something.

Speaker 1:

I did in my sleep. I think we did.

Speaker 5:

Yes, we have done an episode on this before, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

We sure have. I don't think Jason was on it. That's why it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I was. I think I did this one. Yeah, that would be why you probably remember it, doug Awesome. As soon as you said Bradbury, I was like wait a minute.

Speaker 4:

Well, you know, we're an hour in anyway.

Speaker 2:

Well, if nothing else, go back and listen to that again, because this is a fucking funny story. Do you want a TLDR? A dude has carbon monoxide poisoning and leaves himself post-it notes all over his apartment. He thinks his landlord is stalking him and or trying to kill him. Turns out he's just doing it because he's poisoned himself with co2 and apparently his fucking co2 detector read 100 parts per million, which is not a good number for you to be existing in. Anywhere below three is probably good.

Speaker 5:

I was on a thread the other day that I ended up on. So if you want to see weird shit on reddit, probably good. I was on a thread the other day that I ended up on. If you want to see weird shit on Reddit, turn on a VPN and then open a private browser and go to Reddit, because it completely disassociates you from anything you've clicked on before. It just recommends the weirdest shit.

Speaker 5:

One of the things it recommended me was a thread of like what's the most disturbing shit you've ever seen on Reddit, and somebody said they found a thread one time that was like a confession from a guy who was like a furnace tech and he was fixing a gas line to a furnace and he crammed like a shirt or something into uh like the vent like the, the vent that actually vents everything to the outside and then like forgot it was there and put everything back together and left and the next day, uh, he came back to finish the job, I guess because there was something that they still needed to do, and the entire it was like five people in the house, everybody died and he christ, holy fuck he removed the he just like snuck around back and pulled the shirt out of the vent and left and nobody ever found out yeah until now mega thread of that.

Speaker 1:

I I think I've seen that same post where it's like people telling like the craziest stories and shit. I I read that one actually looking for stuff for today and I was like oh god, yeah, whatever I found so many really depressing ones yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

This thread that I ended up on in the other day was like it was. It was bad. There was a lot of shit in there that I was like, oh my god, I don't feel well, right there's a fucking I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to go too into it, but there's a. I remember there was a there's one on that thread that was talking about this girl or I think. It was like it was either girl or guy, I actually don't remember, but they were basically they had a bunch of like diseases and they were like they had like a counter of how many people they were like sexually transmitting their diseases to and like it was really fucked up. Reddit just bad place. But then you get poop, knife, butt, mud. It was really fucked up.

Speaker 4:

Reddit just bad place. But then you get poop knife Butt mud, butt, mud, butt mud.

Speaker 1:

What do Harry Spider in cave?

Speaker 4:

That covers this episode doesn't it boys, our shenanigans, our shenanigans, our shenanigans, yeah. So, whether it be Instagram or it be Reddit, whether it be the archives in between, or frog putting butt mud in, other people and hut makers Well you know.

Speaker 4:

It really goes to show that the Internet is actually a blessing in disguise. No, no, I'm going to go ahead and say follow us on all our socials. You can find us anywhere. We're either DeloityPod or don't. Look on the internet on just about everything. I think we're on Blue Sky now I don't know because I'm not on it, but check it out if we are. Yeah, check it out. Maybe we are, we'll see.

Speaker 4:

Shoot us an email, deloitypod at gmailcom and then emailcom hoping no one would have heard that and go to our patreoncom. We don't have a phone number anymore. Yeah, so we're not using the phone number anymore. Really, so don't really people stopped calling it people stopped calling it. We haven't gotten a message in a while, so it just kind of expired. So ignore the phone number now.

Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, If, for whatever reason, you would like to use again, let us know, but keep in mind if it stops, shoot us an email.

Speaker 4:

Just shoot us an email. There you go.

Speaker 5:

If you want to leave a voicemail, just record yourself and email it to us.

Speaker 1:

You only get a fucking minute and a half anyways, and you get cut off and like half the time people are talking and then it's just like yeah, but patreoncom, slash dility pod or go to our website, dilitycom.

Speaker 4:

There's merch and other fun things there as well. Hug your dad and go do that more often. Jason, what do you got? I guess I don't. I don't have anything ready to go as fucking always stay paranoid. What do you got I?

Speaker 2:

guess I don't. I don't have anything ready to go. Um, as fucking always stay paranoid. Um, but not because the internet's full of weird creepy shit. Cause that guy's following you.

Speaker 4:

It's cause that guy's following you know you haven't turned around in a while. Is he still there? You should turn around, check it out. He might still be there.

Speaker 2:

He might be also check, check please. For the love of god, make sure your co2 uh, things are fucking working co2 detectors. For the love of god, you can't smell it, you can't taste it, you have no idea what's going on in your radon check your radon attack radon as well. This has been home improvement with from two home homeowning boys. Yeah, uh, that's it, though. What do you got?

Speaker 5:

I'm just realizing now that some someday somebody's gonna get our phone number and people are probably still gonna call at some point and they're just like why am I getting these fucking voicemails about this weird internet shit? Well, if you're that person, call us on your phone number and leave a voicemail and we can reverse the interview we had with what was the release that one time?

Speaker 4:

Oh, god, I was so scared for that when that happened, but I'm so happy that it did.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that could have gone south so very quickly. That's all I have. That was great Doug what do you?

Speaker 1:

got Slippery Pains against Shpines and whatnot. But what I want you guys to do because I know you're all fucking degenerates that listen to this. Go on Reddit and go to one of the subreddits that I told you about today and try to canonically build in Deluty into one of the subreddits and then send us the link. Hell yeah, Thank you.

Speaker 4:

Goodbye, thank you, this has been your. This is the end of your local broadcast service.

Speaker 5:

I'm Asian correspondent Trisha Takanawa.

Speaker 4:

Good night, good night, good night.

Speaker 3:

I'll keep it real, I have to piss. Don't look under the internet. Outro Music.

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